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Crustal Deformation and Earthquake
2015 Issue 2
Evaluation of the Precision of Static Positioning with BDS Based on Bernese Software
ZHANG Caihong;TAN Kai;YANG Shaomin;Key Laboratory of Earthquake Geodesy;Institute of Seismology;CEA;School of Geodesy and Geomatics;Wuhan University;
Antenna Phase Center Variation Estimation of JASON-2 and Its Precise Orbit Determination towards 1cm
MA Yang;OU Jikun;YUAN Yunbin;State Key Laboratory of Geodesy and Earth’s Dynamics;Institute of Geodesy and Geophysics;CAS;University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences;
The High-Rate Single Epoch GPS Double Difference Solution and Its Accuracy Analysis
DENG Xingsheng;SUN Honghong;TANG Anlei;Department of Surveying Engineering;Changsha University of Science & Technology;
Performance Analysis of GPS/GLONASS Single-Epoch Ambiguity Resolution
FAN Guoze;LI Bofeng;SHEN Yunzhong;College of Surveying and Geo-Informatics;Tongji University;State Key Laboratory of Geo-Information Engineering;
Research on Different Coordinates of Sun and Moon Influence on GNSS System Errors Correction
JIANG Zhenwei;YUAN Yunbin;OU Jikun;YANG Li;State Key Laboratory of Geodesy and Earth’s Dynamics;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;Institute of Geospatial Information;Information Engineering University;
Satellite Clock Offset Prediction Using Robust Kalman Filtering Based on Quantum Entangled Clock Synchronization
YUAN Borui;YANG Chunyan;DU Pengliang;Information and Navigation College;Air Force Engineering University;
Research on the Accuracy of Locata Single Point Positioning
ZHANG Hui;HAO Jinming;PAN Wenchao;College of Navigation and Aerospace Engineering;Information Engineering University;
To Investigate the Relationship between GPS Data and Earthquake in Fujian
CHEN Guang;LI Zuning;CHEN Chaoxian;ZHAO Wenbo;WANG Ziyan;Earthquake Administration of Fujian Province;
Real-Time Dynamic Monitoring and Modeling for Large Building Based on GNSS
XUKeke;WU Jicang;ZHENG Erlong;School of Surveying and Land Information Engineering;Henan Polytechnic University;College of Surveying and Geo-Informatics;Tongji University;
Research of the Coordinate Conversion between WGS84 and CGCS2000
PENG Xiaoqiang;GAO Jingxiang;WANG Jian;Key Laboratory for Land Environment and Disaster Monitoring of NASMG;China University of Mining and Technology;
The High Precise Grid Model Construction of Coordinate Transformation Based on Triangulation and Directional Line Mosaic
JIANG Guangwei;JIAO Lifen;TIAN Xiaojing;LI Dong;Geodetic Data Processing Center;NASMG;
Solution for Coordinates Collocation Based on Covariance Function
TAO Yeqing;GAO Jingxiang;YAO Yifei;YANG Juan;Key Laboratory for Land Environment and Disaster Monitoring of NASMG;China University of Mining and Technology;
The Method of Area Calculation on the Ellipsoid Surface Based on Parabolic Fitting
LIU Yang;GAO Jingxiang;WANG Jian;LI Zengke;Key Laboratory for Land Environment and Disaster Monitoring of NASMG;China University of Mining and Technology;
Combination of Analytical Methods to Detect Gross Errors of Levelling Data
WANG Wei;Li Digui;Chinese Academy of Surveying and Mapping;Shandong Province Survey and Design Institute of Urban and Rural Construction;
An Improved Two-Step M Estimation Method Based on the Danish Method
LIN Guobiao;LIU Lilong;CAI Chenghui;LI Junyu;HUANG Liangke;Guangxi Scientific Experiment Center of Mining;Metallurgy and Environment;College of Geomatic Engineering and Geoinformatics;Guilin University of Technology;Guangxi Key Laboratory of Spatial Information and Geomatics;
The Solution of Robust Total Least Squares for Linear Regression Models
WANG Qisheng;YANG Dehong;YANG Tengfei;Hunan Software Vocational Institute;Faculty of Land Resource Engineering;Kunming University of Science and Technology;
A Simplified Model of Quaternion-based Three-Dimensional Datum Transformation
WANG Li;LI Hao;JIANG Weiping;GNSS Research Center;Wuhan University;
Point Clouds Registration Based on Commonality Single Plane
HOU Dongxing;LI Zongchun;Deng Yong;Institute of Geo-spatial Information;Information Engineering University;
Characteristics of Strain at Eastern Margins of the Tibetan Plateau from GPS Data
WANG Shuai;ZHANG Yongzhi;WU Ran;JIANG Yongtao;School of Geology Engineering and Geomatics;Chang’an University;
Research on the Modeling Approach of the Velocity Field in Mainland China
XIE Fang;CHENG Chuanlu;WANG Bin;JIANG Guangwei;MA Xinying;LI Chunxiao;Geodetic Data Processing Centre;NASMG;
Establishment of Crust 1D Velocity Structure Based on Artificial Earthquake Sounding Data
CAI Huiteng;JIN Xin;WANG Shanxiong;College of Civil Engineering;Fuzhou University;Earthquake Administration of Fujian Province;
The Analysis of Tectonic and Inversion of the Paleostress Field in the Zhangxian Salt Red Bed Basin in Northern Margin of West Qinling
MA Chuntian;GUO Jinjing;LIU Lin;WANG Lixiao;ZHAO Haitao;School of Geological and Geomatics;Tianjin Chengjian University;
Implications of Active Structures in Head Area of the Three Gorges Reservoir by Characteristics of Stream Longitudinal Profiles
LIU Xiaoli;LI Xue;LI Jinggang;WANG Qiuliang;Key Laboratory of Earthquake Geodesy;Institute of Seismology;CEA;
A Tropospheric Delay Prediction Model Based on Spectrum Analysis and the AR Compensation
L Huizhu;HUANG Wende;WEN Debao;School of Transportation Engineering;Changsha University of Science and Technology;College of Mechatronics;Engineering and Automation;National University of Defense Technology;
Investigation of Ionospheric Anomalies Based on GPS Ionospheric Technology in Earthquakes
LIU Ying;ZHANG Wenyi;DAI Wujiao;CHEN Biyan;Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth;CAS;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;School of Geosciences and Info-Physics;Central South University;
Analysis of TEC Variation Characteristics in Daytime and Nighttime Based on the IGS Data
SHI Shuangshuang;HUANG Jinsong;FENG Jiandi;TAN Xianke;School of Geodesy and Geomatics;Wuhan University;
Application of GPS/PWV Data to Analysis Two Typhoons in Hong Kong
LI Xingguang;ZHENG Nanshan;DI Lijuan;School of Environmental Science and Spatial Informatics;China University of Mining and Technology;Donghua Geologic Engineering and Construction Company of Yanzhou Mining Group;
The Evolution Process of the Gravitational Field after the Sumatra Mw9.3 Earthquake from GRACE RL05 Data
ZHANG Guoqing;FU Guangyu;ZHOU Xin;Key Laboratory of Earthquake Prediction;Institute of Earthquake Science;CEA;Key Laboratory of Computational Geodynamics;CAS;Earthquake Research Institute;University of Tokyo;
Inversion of Moho Depth in China Mainland from EGM2008 Gravity Data
XUAN Songbai;SHEN Chongyang;TAN Hongbo;LI Hui;Key Laboratory of Earthquake Geodesy;Institute of Seismology;CEA;
Analyze the Molodensky-Poisson Kernel in the Downward-Continuation of the Gravity Anomalies
RONG Min;ZHOU Wei;ZHAI Zhenhe;Institute of Geospatial Information;Information Engineering University;Xi’an Research Institute of Surveying and Mapping;Xi’an Division of Surveying and Mapping;
Vertical Accuracy Assessment of ASTER GDEM and Its Applicability Analysis in Gravity Terrain Correction
ZHANG Pin;SHEN Chongyang;YANG Guangliang;ZHANG Xiaotong;CHEN Zhao;Key Laboratory of Earthquake Geodesy;Institute of Seismology;CEA;First Crust Monitoring and Application Center;CEA;Wuhan Base of Institute of Crustal Dynamic;CEA;
Evaluations of the Recent Goce-Based Gravity Field Models
ZHAO Dejun;XU Xinqiang;CHEN Yongxiang;LI Shuaixin;Xi’an Division of Surveying and Mapping;State Key Laboratory of Geodesy and Earth’s Dynamics;School of Geosciences and Info-Physics;Central South University;
The Application and Analysis of Wide-Area Polynomial Approximation in Gravity Field Disturbance Fitting
FAN Haopeng;WANG Qingbin;WU Xiaoping;Institute of Geographic Spatial Information;Information Engineering University;The PLA 63883 Troops;
Gravity Variation Observed by Scientific Expedition of Lushan Earthquake
HAO Hongtao;LI Hui;HU Minzhang;ZHENG Bing;WANG Tongqing;LIANG Weifeng;College of Earth Sciences;University of Chinese Academy of Science;Key Laboratory of Earthquake Geodesy;Institute of Seismology;CEA;Wuhan Base of Institute of Crustal Dynamic;CEA;Surveying Engineering Institute;Earthquake Administration of Sichuan Province;First Crust Monitoring and Application Center;CEA;Second Crust Monitoring and Application Center;CEA;
Data Reduction Methods of Airborne Gravimetry
ZHOU Boyang;LUO Zhicai;ZHONG Bo;YAO Chaolong;Department of Surveying and Mapping;Guangdong University of Technology;School of Geodesy and Geomatics;Wuhan University;Key Laboratory of Geospace Environment and Geodesy;Ministry of Education;Wuhan University;
Comparison and Analysis of High-Precision Gravity Data Gridding Methods
SUN Wen;WU Xiaoping;WANG Qingbin;LI Xinxing;ZHU Zhida;The PLA 61243 Troops;Institute of Geospatial Information;Information Engineering University;The PLA 61206 Troops;
Complex Heterodyne Method for Digital Fringe Signal in an Absolute Gravimeter
YANG Houli;ZOU Tong;GUO Tangyong;LIU Yanfei;Key Laboratory of Earthquake Geodesy;Institute of Seismology;CEA;Wuhan Base of Institute of Crustal Dynamics;CEA;
Design and Implementation of Automatic Monitoring and Management System for Seismic Business Database
DING Rui;WANG Xiaoming;Earthquake Administration of Shanghai Municipality;
Vertical Pendulum Rainfall Interference Analysis and Ruled Out
ZHENG Yongtong;LIU Qishou;YANG Peiqin;ZHANG Hua;ZHENG Jianzhi;LI Yuanxing;GONG Wei;Longyan Seismicstation;Earthquake Administration of Fujian Province;Nanping Seismicstation;Earthquake Administration of Fujian Province;
Environmental Test and Analysis on Electromagnetic Observation at Yingcheng Geomagnetic Station
LI Deqian;CHEN Huijie;WEI Guichun;SUN Lingli;DAI Miao;HE Yufang;Key Laboratory of Earthquake Geodesy;Institute of Seismology;CEA;Earthquake Administration of Hubei Province;
Analysis of 3D Laser Scanning Ground Radius and Vertical Accuracy
DAI Huayang;YUE Chong;XU Chong;YAN Yueguan;ZOU Dinghui;LIU Jie;HAN Yunchun;School of Earth Science and Surveying Engineering;China University of Mining and Technology;Huainan Coal Mining Group Corporation Ltd;State Key Lab of Mine Ecological Environment Protection;State Key Laboratery of Deep Coal Mining & Environment Protection;