Synchronous primary cancer of the rectum and lung:a case report
Wentao Zhao1; Fengliang Hu1; Jiyong Wang2; Xin Jin1; Xiong Zhang2; Hongjie Li1; Yuying Li1; Mingneng Ren3 1 Department of Colorectal Surgery; The First Affiliated Hospital; Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine; Guangzhou 510405; China 2 Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery; The First Affiliated Hospital; Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine; Guangzhou 510405; China 3 Department of Pathology; The First Affiliated Hospital; Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine;Guangzhou 510405; China
Inhibitory effects of apogossypolone on subcutaneous implants of human LNCaP prostatic carcinoma cells
Yaozhen Chen1; Haishan Chen2; Chen Chen1; Xiaofeng Huang3; Shijie Mu1; Mengyao Zhang4; Xingbin Hu1; Qunxing An1; Xianqing Zhang1 1Department of Blood Transfusion; Xijing Hospital; The Fourth Military Medical University; Xi’an 710032; China 2Department of Blood Transfusion; 210 Hospital of PLA; Dalian 116000; China 3Central laboratory; The Fourth Military Medical University; Xi’an 710032; China 4Department of Chemistry; School of Pharmacy; The Fourth Military Medical University; Xi’an 710032; China
Comparison of different treatment regimens for ⅠB2 and ⅡA2 cervical cancer
Dongxia Liang1; 2; Yanna Zhang1; 2; Xueming Sun1; 2; Jinrui Sun3; Liqun Xu1; 2 1State Key Laboratory of Oncology in Southern China; Guangzhou 510060; China 2Department of Gynecology; Sun Yat-Sen University Cancer Center; Guangzhou 510060; China 3Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics; Guangzhou Women and Children’s Medical Center; Guangzhou 510623;China