recq helicase-catalyzed dna unwinding detected by fluorescence resonance energy transfer
Xing-Dong ZHANG Shuo-Xing DOU Ping XIE Peng-Ye WANG Xu Guang XI Laboratory of Soft Matter Physics;Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics;Institute of Physics;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100080;China;Laboratoire de Biotechnologies et Pharmacologie Génétique Appliquée CNRS UMR 8113.Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan;61 Avenue du Président Wilson;94235 Cachan cedex;France
targeting gene-virotherapy for cancer
Xin-Yuan LIU~ Jing-Fa GU~1 Wen-Fang SHI~1 1 Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology;Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Shanghai 200031;China;2 Xinyuan Institute of Medicine and Biotechnology;School of Life Sciences;Zhejiang Sci-Tech University;Hangzhou 310018;China