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Acta Biochimica et Biophysica Sinica
1999 Issue 6
Purification and Characterization of an Alkaline Lipase from Penicillium cyclopium PG37
WU Min Chen; WANG Shu; HUANG Wei Da and SUN Chong Rong *
shou ti ji chu yao wu she ji
zhu gen zuo ; zhao yong gen ';'13618737;13618736;';'au';'cjfq');
Cloning and Expression of Human Manganese superoxide Dismutase cDNA
SHI Hui Juan 1 ; HE Hua Jun; WEI Dong Zhi and YUAN Qin Sheng * CHEN Zhe Yu; L
Immunomodulated Signaling in Macrophages: Regulation of the MAPK Signaling Pathways by PKA and PKC
LIN Min Qun and CHANG Zong Liang 
shou ti guan cha
zhu gen zuo ; zhao yong gen ';'13618737;13618736;';'au';'cjfq');
Adsorption on Cellulose of the Schizophyllum commune Cellobiose Dehydrogenase
FANG Jing and GAO Pei Ji *
zao qi ren ti fa yu de fen zi yi chuan xue
zhu gen zuo ; zhao yong gen ';'13618736;13618737;';'au';'cjfq');
Properties of Recombinant Aeromonas punctata Prolyl Endopeptidase
LI Min; SHEN Guo Xiang and CHEN Chang Qing WANG De Bao ( State Key Laboratory of Molecular Biology; Shanghai Institute of Biochemsitry; Chinese Acad
Cloning and Expression of a Novel Mutated Osteoprogerin/Osteoclastogenesis Inhibitory Factor Gene *
HE Zhi Yong 1;2 ; YANG Guan Zhen 1; ZHANG Wei Jie 2 and WU Xiang Fu 1** ( 1Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry; the Chinese Academy of Sciences; Shanghai 200031; China; 2College of Life Science and Biotechnology; Shanghai
Gene Expression Profiles of Human Fetal Nasopharyngeal Tissue
HE Zhi Wei; XU Liang Guo; XIE Lu; ZHANG Ling; LAN Ke; REN Cai Ping and YAO Kai Tai *
gen chu xiu mian xi bao zhong de hiv
li zuo ';'';'au';'cjfq');
Sequence Analysis of 47 Low abundance ESTs Expressed in Early Human Embryo *
GOU De Ming; LI Wen Xin ** ; XIA Zong Pin; HUANG Jian and JIANG Da He
Molecular Cloning and Expression of a New A Chain of β Bungarotoxin *
QIAN You Cun; FAN Chun Yang; LIU Xiao Long 1 ; HU Tai Shan; YANG Sheng Li and GONG Yi 1 ; HU Tai Shan; YANG Sheng Li and GONG Yi ** ( Shanghai Research Center of Biotechnology; CAS; Shanghai 200233; China; 1Shanghai Institute
zhong guo wei da de sheng hua xue jia cao tian qin bo shi yuan ji qiu dan bai xian sheng
jiang qiao jie lang ';'';'au';'cjfq');
yi yang hua dan he xi bao zeng zhi fen hua he si wang
zhu gen zuo ; zhao yong gen ';'13618737;13618736;';'au';'cjfq');
Expression of a Gene for Single chain Antibody to Carcinoembryonic Antigen in Bombyx mori cells and Its Larvae
LI Biao 1;2 ; ZHU Cheng Mo 1; YANG Wei Dong 1;2 and WU Xiang Fu 2( 1Rui Jin Hospital; Shanghai No.2 Medical University; Shanghai 200025; China; 2Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry; the Chinese Academia of Sciences; Shanghai
sheng ming wang zhan kai tong
Effects of Deleting the Amino terminal Domain of GRK 2 on Its Function
GAN Xiao Qing 1 ; WANG Ji Yong 1 ; YANG Qi Heng 1 ; YU Qing Ming 2 ; PEI Gang 2;3 and LI Lin 1;3* ( 1 Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry; the Chinese Academy of Sciences; Shanghai 200031; China; 2 Shan
Purification and Characterization of the Antenna Protein CP29 from Spinach Photosystem II
LI Xiao Peng; DU Lin Fang * and LIANG Hou Guo
sheng long da sheng wu ji shu chan ye ji tuan you xian gong si cheng li
hou xiang yu ';'';'au';'cjfq');
quasi species han yi xiao yi
chen ji ming ';'21212028;';'au';'cjfq');
Epstein Barr Virus Encoded Latent Membrane Protein 1 Increases Expression of Immunoglobulin κ Light Chain through NFκB in a Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Cell Line
LIAO Wei; TANG Ming; LI Jian Jian 1; LEO M. Lee 2 and CAO Ya * ( Cancer Research Institute of Hunan Medical University; Changsha 410078; China; 1 Gene Regulation Section; NCI; Frederick; M.D. U.S.A; 2 DNA Recombinant Laboratory; NCI
Overexpressed Human TNF Receptor 75 Can Independently Mediate hTNFα induced Cytotoxicity in BHK 21 Cells
FANG Jia; ZHU Bei; WANG De Bao 1 and CHEN Chang Qing ( Shanghai Research Center of Biotechnology; the Chinese Academy of Sciences; Shanghai 200233; China; 1State Key Laboratory of Molecular Biology; Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry; the Ch
The Relationship between Yeast Coexpressed Gene Clusters and Their Upstream cis acting Elements
XIE Tao; SHENG Quan Hu and DING Da Fu *
Expression of E selectin in Endothelial Cells and Influence of Wild Type p 53 Gene
LIN Yong * ; LI Jian 1 ; GAO Cun Ji 2 and WANG Zhong 2 ( Department of Pharmacology; Capital University of Medical Sciences; Beijing 100054; China; 1 Department of Biochemistry; Institute of Gerontology; Ministry of Health;
Construction of Early Human Embryo cDNA Libraries and Screening Objective Genes
GOU De Ming; HUANG Jian; LI Wen Xin * ; MAO Xin and JIANG Da He HUA Wen Jun and FAN Jun Hua ( Biotechnology Research Center; Hubei Academy of Agricultural Sciences; Wuhan 430
An Emerging Field in Bioscience: High Hydrostatic Pressure Study *
BALNY Claude ** and RUAN Kang Cheng 1