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Digital Communication World
2012 Issue 12
websense huo forrester zan shang
Processing Method of Satellite Data based on XTCE
liu yang gu qi jun liu yong yang jie feng
kuai su qie ke kao de wu xian hu lian
wen zhu
The Design and Realization of Frequency Calibration for Rb Clock based on BeiDou
ni zuo zuo hu yong hui he zai min
bt huan qiu fu wu huo mei yu
ao you tui chu yun zuo lan qi
bei dou wei xing dao hang xi tong yong tu guang fan
dong fang xing
fu shi shi le qi dong ti yan yue
da bi li chi quan shu zi di xing tu zai shu zi cheng shi jian she zhong de ying yong
xing feng wei xue feng liang hong
ji yu bei dou dao hang de xian dai wu liu zong he yun shu fu wu xi tong
zhu jun tao zhang ying
qian tan cai wu gong si xin xi hua gong zuo
liu ji bin
dian shi mei ti de wei lai ji yu ji you shi
liu zuo
duan bo jian ce fu gai fan wei de yan jiu
zhao jing