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Contemporary Worker
2009 Issue 24
A Petty Officialdom's Marriage
yin shou guo
Their Lives in Lottery
xiao xiao
What are people forced to do
qi guo liang
A Happiness without Flower
tian miao
zui hou
wang zuo
Delay saves your marriage
zhang si ning
Her Tear is Weapon
zuo zhe
The Utility makes marriage successful
zhang si ning
What if they lose their job
tang ying
pao hui yao an wei
zuo qing
Big award becomes small
xuan gong
tie lv xie shou yong qing
shi mian
The Inception of Shenyang Train Factory
zhao xiao dong
About the Computer Game
lai li zuo
yi nan jie da
ce ce ni he xia shu de guan xi
qin ling
The Coming of Craftsman Age
xiao xiao
An Excellent Ending
song zuo
She sacrifices herself
huang tian xiang
Age is not an excuse
zhang shen
wei shi me bu xian ting ting gong zhong yi jian ?
zhang yu zhe
Finding out the Root of the Financial Crisis
sun li ping
duan xin xin bu xin
zhu qi hong
Feast and Remnant
zhang shu lan
jiao jing pa lao jiu
bing chen
gong si yi mao jian
guan zhen shan
hong yao ; chun heng ; mu tong ; wen jun ; guo liang
cha 10 tian 5000 yuan
hei hei
How About Their 2009
hai ming ; mu tong
To Give Birth Or Not
The Pilot's Duty in Trade Union Work
qiao chuan xiu
Speeking politely makes the fruit shop win
qu zhi
Mad Credit Card
zhao xi
Resources and Means for Trade Union
he ku zi