surveillance on the multi-drug resistance and the -lactamase resistance genes in pseudomonas aeruginosa
JIAN PING QIN~1 WEI FENG SHI~2 NING XU~3 1 Department of Clinical Laboratory;Affiliated Changzhou Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital of Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology;Changzhou;P.R.China 2 Department of Clinical Laboratory;Third Affiliated Hospital of Suzhou University;Changzhou;P.R.China 3 Department of Clinical Chemistry;University Hospital of Land;Lund;Sweden
the complete genomic sequence analysis of human norovirus nvgz01 strain in guangzhou
QI YI ZENG~1 JIA Yu ZHONG~1 XIAO LI~2 YAN LI SU~1 BING ZHU~1 YI CHEN~1 TAO LIN~1 MI Sm XIAO~ 1 HUI YING CHENG~1 RONG ZHOU~ SI TANG GONG~1 1 Central Laboratory;Guangzhou Children′s Hospital;Guangzhou ;P.R .China 2 South China Sea Institute of Oceanology;LED;the Chinese Academy of Sciences;Guangzhou;P.R.China
detection of the covalently closed circular dna of duck hepatitis b virus by taq-man fluorescent quantitative pcr assay
MEI LI FU~1 QING LIN~1 XIAO PENG LIU~2 SHUI LAN SHI~2 SHAO HUA CHEN~2 DONG LIANG LI~3 ZI RONG CHEN~2 1 Teaching and Research Section of Internal Medicine;476 Clinical Department; 2 Institute of Hepatology;476 Clinical Department; 3 Research Center for Hepatology;Clinical Medical College of Fuzhou General Hospital;Fujian Medical University;Fuzhou;P.R.China
expression of mtor/p70 s6k in oral acinic cell carcinoma
YI LIU~1 NING LI~1 XUE WANG~1 BING ZHI YU~2 1 School of Stomatology;China Medical University;Shenyang;P.R.China 2 Department of Biochemistry;School of Basic Medical Sciences;China Medical University;Shenyang ;P .R.China
variation and evolution of np genes of human avian h_5n_1 virus strains
PING HUANG CHANG WEN KE HuI LI LI RONG ZOU LING FANG QIU XIA CHEN YAN LING MO FENG DENG Provincial Key Laboratory for Emergency Pathogen Detection;Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of Guangdong Province;Guangzhou;P.R.China