The Shortest Time Paths Problem with Curfews
he cai-xiang1; jiang xiu-yan2; shi bing1(1.department of maths; dali university; dali; yunnan 671000; china; 2.department of maths; daqing teacher s college; daqing; heilongjiang 163712; china)
A Study on Pharmacological Effects of Seselopsis on Mice
huang bing; sun yan-lin; zhang bu-fen et al(undergraduates of pharmacy; 2000 grade; faculty of pharmacy; dali university; dali; yunnan 671000; china) tutor: du yi-ming; fang chun-sheng; liu guang-ming(faculty of pharmacy; dali university; dali; yunnan 671000; china)
Effects of Selenium on Immunity
zhang jing(department of neoplastic hematologic disorder; affiliated hospital of dali university; dali; yunnan 671000; china)