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Journal of Changsha Railway University
1999 Issue 3
Testing Research ofReinforced Earth Subgrade
weilim in hua zukun wang yonghe (civiland architecturalengineering college; changsha railw ay university; changsha; 410075)
Experim entalStudy ofBig Double CellConcrete Box Girders
cao jian an tang jin ye meixin (civilarchitecturalengineering college; changsha railw ay university; changsha; 410075)
Program AbstractOperating Modeland Its Application
long jun zhang longxiang (inform ation engineering college; changsha railw ay university; changsha; 410075) abstract in this paper; the shortcom ing of the traditionalprogram operating model is analyzed. therefore; a new program operating model; the
Prestressed Concrete Cable-stayed Bridge Com puterAided Design System
qiao jiandong yu xiangdong sheng xingw ang qiu boyong (civilarchitecturalengineering college; changsha railw ay university; changsha; 410075)
A New Param etric Spline Curve
wen jin (yueyang teachers college; yueyang; 414000)
Researching ofGeneralised LeastSquares and Realizing ofCom puter System
sun fuguo (shenzhen labour bureau; shenzhen; 518031)
The Picture Treatm entand Figure Processing Technique of the Multi-m edia Courseware
liu xiling qian wen liu xianghong (electricm echanicalcollege; changsha railw ay university; changsha; 410075)
A Genetic Heuristic Based on LinearProgram m ing for Multi-levelCapacitated LotSizing Problem
xiong hongyun he yue (inform ation engineering college; changsha railw ay university; changsha; 410075)
The EffectofAcceleration on Calculating HeatLoad of Air-condition Passenger Train
chen huanxin zhang jun liao shenm ing (electrom echanic engineering college; changsha railway university; changsha; 410075)
Im age Segm entation Based on Adaptive Active Contour
xia lim in gu shiw en (inform ation engineering college; changsha railw ay university; changsha; 410075)
The Quantitive Analysis and Sim ulation ofWorking Space Design
zhang lili (electrom echanic engineering college; changsha railway university; changsha; 410075)
Application ofOptim um Theory and Method in Afforestation
fang xiaoping liu shuang (econom y and managem entcollege; changsha railw ay university; changsha; 410075)
Analysis ofthe ErrorSources in a High Precision Screw DriverCNCServo Mechanism
huang zhihui yu peng luo dayong xue yun wu chun (electrom echanic engineering college; changsha railway university; changsha; 410075)
Heat/ Mass-Transfer Enhancem entfor LiBrAbsorber
shen yuhao ding lixing huang kunjian (electrom echanic engineering college; changsha railway university; changsha; 410075)
Dynam ic Characteristics Analysis ofDeck SteelPlate GirderBridges
guo wenhua zeng qingyuan (civilarchitecturalengineering college; changsha railw ay university; changsha; 410075)
A New Dynam ic Detecting Approach ofHarm onics and Fundam entalReactive Current
lizhiyong weirenyong liu chunfang (inform ation engineering college; changsha railw ay university; changsha; 410075)
Study on the IntelligentInform ation System of Train Operation Control
lixiam iao liyiping xie ruhe (econom y and managem entcollege; changsha railw ay university; changsha; 410075)
S- transform and Hida Distribution
liu kai liao yuling (research departm ent; changsha railw ay university; changsha; 410075)
GlobalAttractivity in NonlinearDelay Difference Equations
luo jiaow an yuan chenggui hou zhenting (research departm ent; changsha railw ay university; changsha; 410075)
FractalMeasure and Dim ension ofCurved Surface
yuan chenggui hou zhengting zou jiezhong (research departm ent; changsha railw ay university; changsha; 410075)
Oscillation ofSecond Order Neutral DifferentialEquations w ith Maxima
wang guofen (departm entofmaths; physics and mechanics; changsha railw ay university; changsha; 410075)
ma er ke fu gu jia guo cheng yi wei fen bu he zheng ze xing zhun ze
hou zhen ting ; liu zai ming ; zou jie zhong
GPSTechnique and Its Application in Railw ay Transportation Engineeing
ning guoying (changsha railw ay generalcom pany; changsha; 410001)