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Journal of Changchun Posts and Telecommunication Institute
2015 Issue 1
Fast ICA for Blind Interference Alignment Algorithm
AI Di;ZHAO Xiaohui;College of Communication Engineering;Jilin University;
Speed Estimation Research and Simulation Based on UKF Algorithm
LU Bing;XIE Xiaohua;CAI Ketian;MENG Fankun;State Key Laboratory of Automotive Simulation and Control;Jilin University;College of Communication Engineering;Jilin University;
Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors’ System Based on Sliding Mode Control
HE Yuxuan;XIE Xiaohua;ZHANG Aichun;State Key Laboratory of Automobile Dynamic Simulation;Jilin University;College of Communication Engineering;Jilin University;
Design of Sliding Mode Variable Structure Controller for Anti-Lock Braking System
LIU Bainan;GUO Hongyan;YU Ru;CHEN Hong;State Key Laboratory of Automotive Simulation and Control;Jilin University;College of Communication Engineering;Jilin University;
Active Disturbance Rejection Control for Amplitude Decay of Ultrasonic Levitation Bearing Systems
SONG Yunguang;SUN Xiaodong;FAN Zunqiang;TIAN Fengjun;SHI Yaowu;College of Communication Engineering;Jilin University;College of Mechanical Science and Engineering;Jilin University;
Mixed Rain Attenuation Compensation Algorithm of Ka-Band Satellite Communication System
YU Miao;KANG Jian;College of Communication Engineering;Jilin University;
News Video Shot Detection Based on Weighted Color
ZHANG Jing;WANG Xuejun;JIANG Enyuan;College of Communication Engineering;Jilin University;
Real-Time Electronic Image Stabilizing Approach Based on CUDA and Kalman Predictor
ZHU Zhenwu;HE Kai;WANG Xinlei;School of Electronic Information Engineering;Tianjin University;
Research on Non-Invasive Blood Glucose Measurement Based on Photoplethysmograph
LIU Guangda;CAI Jing;SUN Maolin;SONG Qianli;LIU Mengwan;WANG Qingji;College of Instrumentation and Electrical Engineering;Jilin University;
Design of Vehicle CAN Bus Redundancy Gateway Based on ARM7
LI Xiaolong;SONG Xin;XU Qiang;SONG Zhanwei;College of Electronic Science and Engineering;Jilin University;Structure Department;Qiming Software Park Business Incubation Limited Company;
Automobile State and Fault Monitoring Terminal Based on GPRS
GUO Shanshan;SONG Xin;ZHOU Qian;SONG Zhanwei;College of Electronic Science and Engineering;Jilin University;Structure Department;Qiming Software Park Business Incubation Limited Company;
Supporting Multi-Aspected Concept Discovery for Exploratory Search
ZHANG Yin;GAO Kening;ZHANG Bin;College of Information Science and Engineering;Northeastern University;Computing Center;Northeastern University;
Normalization of MAPGIS Graphic Changed Parameters
GAO Zhiyong;XING Lixin;YUAN Nannan;CHEN Xiao;College of Geo-Exploration Science and Technology;Jilin University;
Improved Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm Based on Image Threshold Segmentation
HUO Fengcai;SUN Baoxiang;REN Weijian;Department of Electrical Information Engineering;Northeast Petroleum University;
Design of Program for On-Line Coal Element Contents Analysis
LI Xin;L Jianxiong;CHENG Daowen;LI Wanlong;School of Software Vocational Technology;Changchun University of Technology;School of Basic Sciences;Changchun University of Technology;
Research on Similarity Measure for AST-Based Program Codes
ZHU Bo;ZHENG Hong;SUN Linlin;YANG Youxing;School of Computer Science and Engineering;Changchun University of Technology;
Merge Sort Algorithm Design Based on Multi Thread
SUN Linlin;HOU Xiuping;ZHU Bo;SUN Shiming;GAO Can;School of Computer Science and Engineering;Changchun University of Technology;The First Affiliated Hospital;Soochow University;