Design and Implementation of Workflow Engine in Universal Document Handling System
li yong-li1; 2; sun shi-jun3; jiang zhan-hua1; guan wei-zhou2; zhao yu2; li yong2(1.college of computer science and technology; jilin university; changchun 130012; china; 2.college of computer; northeast normal university; changchun 130024; china; 3.technology center office of the people s government of jilin province; changchun 130054; china)
Bluetooth Provides Car Diagnostic System
zhang yuan-ming1; shang zhong-fei2; chu zhi-gang2; chu yi3(1.network center; jilin university; changchun 130012; china; 2.jilin china software & service info-tech company limited; changchun 130012; china; 3.siemens vdo automotive changchun company limited; changchun 130033; china)