Solution for dynamic statistic of CUIEC business system
ji yan-ju 1; wang li-qun 2; li su-yi 3; lin jun 1 (1 institute of intelligent measurement and control technology of jilin un iversity; changchun 130026; china; 2 neusoft; chanchun 130061; china; 3 the public computer teaching and research center of jilin un iversity; changchun 130026; china)
Application of simulated annealing algorithm to optimal decision of loan's po rtfolio
gong li-hong 1; 4 ; liu ze-yi 2; tang wan-sheng 3 (1 college of computer science and technology; jilin university; changchun 1300 12; china; 2 department of mathematics; tianjin university; tianjin 300072; china; 3 college of management; tianjin university ; tianjin 300072; china; 4 department of science and technology; jilin branch; agricultural bank of chin a; changchun 130041; china)
Petro data remote report system base on telephone sound card
zhang fu-chun\+1; li wen-yin\+1; han yi\+2; ma fu-jun\+3 (1\^college of computer science and technology; jilin university; changc hun 130012; china; 2\^dept.of computer science; northeast normal university; changchun 1300 24; china; 3\^xinli oil extraction works of jilin oil field; songyuan 131100; china)
Derived CAPP system development based on PDM
hu lei 1; fu xiao-jiang 1; zhao xiao-guo 2 (1 college of computer science and technology; jilin university; c hangchun 130012; china; 2 qiming inc. of information and technology; changchun 130011; china)