Star Correction Method Based on the Comprehensive Error of Star Simulator
WANG Xiaolong;ZHANG Guoyu;SUN Gaofei;ZHANG Jian;ZHANG Jianliang;Changchun University of Science and Technology;Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Measuring-Controling and Optical Information Transmiting Technology;Ministry of Education;Optical Measurement and Control Instrumentation;Jilin Province Engineering Research Center;Changchun air force aviation university;
A New Design of Seeding Monitor of Precise Corn Seeder
YANG Hongwei;ZHU Hongmei;HAN Yonglin;School of Computer Science and Technology;Changchun University of Science and Technology;School of Electronics and Information Engineering;Changchun University of Science and Technology;
Simulation and Analysis of Soleniod Valves Based on Maxwell
XIN Ruihao;XIONG Qinghui;WANG Junzhe;WANG Chunyang;YIN Gaofeng;School of Electronics and Information Engineering;Changchun University of Science and Technology;Key Laboratory of Vehicle’s Transmission;China North Vehicle Research Institute;Dept. of Vehicle Engineering and Mechanics;Dalian University of Technology;