5.8 GHz CMOS LNA Design for 802.11a Application
yang bo1; 2; zhou shenghua2; 3; wang keping2; wang zhigong2(1.college of electronic science and engineering; university of changchun for science and technology; changchun 130022; 2.institute of rf and oeics; southeast university; nanjing 210096; 3.college of opto-electronic engineering; china jiliang university; hangzhou 310018)
Seasonal Running Constructed Wetlands for Wastewater Treatment
ba qi1; zhao ke1; bao qinghua2; ji honggang3; jiang tingliang1 (1.school of municipal and environmental engineering; jilin architectural and civil engineering institute; changchun 130021; 2. eentironment supervise department of jingyue; changchun 130041; 3.changchun zhuye real estate company; changchun 130021)
Design for a kind of space camera's focusing structure
gao fei1; 2; zhang bao1; liu dayu3(1.changchun institute of optics; fine mechanics and physics; chinese academy of sciences; changchun 130033; 2.graduate school of the chinese academy of sciences; beijing 100039; 3.changchun up optotech co.; ltd; changchun 130033)
The Purification of Fish Heat Shock Protein 70
zhang shuhua1; yu yuanhua1; ma yuqin2; wang yuqian1; li zhonghe2 (1.school of life science institute; changchun university of science and technology; changchun 130022; 2.school of environment and chemical engineering; changchun university of science and technology; changchun 130022)