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Journal of Changchun Institute of Optics and Fine
2000 Issue 1
Effect of Heterostructure on Output Characteristics of Semiconductor Lasers
ren dacui yang jinhua du baoxun du zhenlin (national key lab of high power semiconductor lasers of changchun inst.opt.and fine mech.)
A Kind of Automatic Examining System of Heat Thermoelectric Resistances Used in Industrial Field
wei fuyu chen xin(jilin university of technology) fang mannan (changchun institute of posts and telecommunications)
Implementing to Browse Graphic and Literal Data Simultaneously by Using ISAPI
jia zhiping zhang xiaohan yang yong (college of electronics and information engineering of changchun inst.opt.and fine mech.)
Effects of Element Si on the Sintering Properties of Sic Fibers
diao yuqiang he julong yu dongli tian yongjun li dongchen (yanshan university; qinghuangdao)
The Character of Clarke invariant Convex Function
li yan zhong (college of applied sciences of changchun inst.opt.and fine mech.) chui rengang (hai nan teachers college depart math) zhang fuwei (chang chun institute of optics and fine mechanics)
Development of Double-passage Laser Scanning Non-contact Inspector
cao weiguo han wenbo zhang guoyu li chengzhi (college of opto electronic and mechanical engineering of changchun inst.opt.and fine mech.)
Analysis of the Reliability for Multiple Choice Test
wu shuhe wang yuqin (economy and trade school of chang chun inst.optics and fine mech.)
Intelligentized reconstruction of BJC-2 Dynamic Instrument of Surface Roughness Measurement
li lijuan bai suping wang yanchun han wenbo (college of opto electronic and mechanical engineering of changchun inst.opt.and fine mech.)
Designing of Image Processing Card for Multitarget Based on DSP & CPLD
yang xinfeng (depantment of data communication of shenzhen huawei techrology inc.)song zhengxun tan baohua (college of electronics and information engineering of changchun inst.opt.and fine mech.)
Study on the Methods of Voice Transmitting in Low Speed Rate
shong zheng xun tan baohua (college of electronics and information engineering of changchun inst.opt.and fine mech.)
Diamond tools & Precision Machining and Ultra-precision Machining Technique
luo hongyun 1 jiao hong 2 fan meng 2 wang lijiang 3 (1.school of mechatronic engng; jilin inst.of technol; changchun)(2.science and research department of jilin inst.of technol; changchun)(3.school of mechalnic engng.; jilin university of technol; cha
Re-Cutting the Boundary by B-spling fitting Method
wu shufang (college of opto electronic and mechanical engineering of changchun inst.opt.and fine mech.)
Preparation and Characterization of Nanocrystalline Er_2O_3 by Precipitation Method
dong xiangting liu guixia sun jing (college of applied sciences of changchun inst.opt.and fine mech.)
Design of Electric Control System in Audi A6 Car Assembly Line in FAW-Volkwagen
liang yiping (factory planing and designing institude of the first autornobile group co.)
Supersonic Wave′s Vibration Range Measurement System
wang chunyan qin yongzuo (college of opto electronic and mechanical engineering of changchun inst.opt.and fine mech.) (college of electronics and information engineering of changchun inst.opt.and fine mech.)
The Preparation of the Fine Powder of FeO by Sol-gel Method and the Research of its Optical Properties in PMMA
he xingquan liu dajun duan qian zou ying (college of applied sciences of changchun inst.opt.and fine mech.)
Design of Computer Statistics System for Scientific and Technical Papers
li yangfang (college of electronics and information engineering of changchun inst.opt.and fine mech.)