ca~(2+) sparks and ca~(2+) glows in superior cervical ganglion neurons
Li-jun YAO~ Gang WANG~ Kun-fu OU-YANG~3 Chao-liang WEI~3 Xian-hua WANG~3 Shi-rong WANG~3 Wei YAO~3 Hong-ping HUANG~3 Jian-hong LUO~2 Cai-hong WU~3 Jie LIU~3 Zhuan ZHOU He-ping CHENG~2 Department of Neurobiology;Zhejiang University School of Medicine;Hangzhou 310031;China;3 Institute of Molecular Medicine and State Key Laboratory of Biomembrane Engineering;Peking University;Beijing 100871;China
calcium signaling in physiology and pathophysiology
He-ping CHENG~ Sheng WEI~1 Li-ping WEI~2 Alexei VERKHRATSKY~1 Institute of Molecular Medicine and State Key Laboratory of Biomembrane and Membrane Biotechnology;College of Life Science;Peking University;Beijing 100871;China;2 Center for Bioinformatics;College of Life Science;Peking University;Beijing 100871;China;3 Faculty of Life Sciences;the University of Manchester;Manchester M13 9PT;UK
role of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptors in _1-adrenergic receptorinduced cardiomyocyte hypertrophy
Da-li LUO~ Jian GAO~2 Xiao-mei LAN~3 Gang WANG~4 Sheng WEI~4 Rui-ping XIAO~4 Qi-de HAN~32 Department of Pharmacology;School of Chemical Biology & Pharmaceutical Sciences;Capital University of Medical Sciences;Beijing 100069;China;3 Institute of Cardiovascular Science at Health Science Center;Peking University Beijing 100083;China;4 Institute of Molecular Medicine and College of Life Science;Peking University;Beijing 100871;China