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China & World Economy
2012 Issue 6
Creeping Tiger,Soaring Dragon:India,China and Competition in Information Technologies
Anindya Chaudhuri National Institute of Science;Technology & Development Studies;New Delhi;India.
How would Capital Account Liberalization Affect China’s Capital Flows and the Renminbi Real Exchange Rates?
Dong He;Lillian Cheung;Wenlang Zhang and Tommy Wu Executive Director of Research Department;Hong Kong Monetary Authority;Hong Kong;China.Head of Economic Research Division;Research Department;Hong Kong Monetary Authority;Hong Kong;China. Economic Research Division;Research Department;Hong Kong Monetary Authority;Hong Kong;China. Economic Research Division;Research Department;Hong Kong Monetary Authority;Hong Kong;China.
Provincial Output Spillovers in China:Global Vector Autoregressive Approach
Hui Peng;Bonghan Kim School of Economics and Management;Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications;Beijing;China. Department of International Economics;Kongju National University;Kongju;South Korea.
Assessment of Local Public Finance Performance in China When Undesirable Fiscal Phenomena are Taken into Account
Shujian Zhang;Jun Zhang;Shiyi Chen Public Policy Institute;Georgetown University;Washington;DC;USA.China Center for Economic Studies;Fudan University;Shanghai;China. China Center for Economic Studies;Fudan University;Shanghai;China.
Who Plays the Key Role among Shanghai,Shenzhen and Hong Kong Stock Markets?
Jian Wang;Junfeng Zhu;Feifei Dou School of Economics;Fudan University;Shanghai;China. School of International Affairs;Shanghai Jiaotong University;Shanghai;China. School of Business;East China University of Political Science and Law;Shanghai;China.