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China & World Economy
2011 Issue 3
Why is Inflation in China a Monetary Phenomenon?
Chengsi Zhang;China Financial Policy Research Center;School of Finance;Renmin University;Beijing;China.
Causes of Inflation in China:Inflation Expectations
Liping He;Department of Finance;School of Economics and Business Administration;Beijing Normal University;Beijing;China. Qianwen Liu;School of Economics and Business Administration;Beijing Normal University;Beijing;China.
Hukou System Reform and Unification of Rural-urban Social Welfare
Fang Cai;Institute of Population and Labor Economics;Chinese Academy of Social Sciences;Beijing;China.
Determinants of Self-employment in China:Evidence from Cross-regional Data
Kun Li;School of Business Administration;Sichuan University;Chengdu;China. Changwen Zhao;School of Business Administration;Sichuan University;Chengdu;China.
Labor Quality and Inward FDI:A Firm-level Empirical Study in China
Faqin Lin;School of International Trade and Economics;University of International Business and Economics;Beijing;China.
China’s Share of US Imports and Exchange Rate Pass-through to US Import Prices
Jianhuan Zhou;Third Secretary for Commerce;Department of Commerce;People’s Republic of China;Beijing;China. Donghun Kim Graduate School of International Studies;Yonsei University;Seoul;Korea.
Development Trajectories in the Biotechnology Industry:China versus Leading Countries
Yantai Chen;Yunhe Distinguished Fellow;College of Economics and Management;Zbejiang University of Technology;Hangzhou;China. Laijun Luo;School of Economics;Renmin University of China;Beijing;China. Yaguang Zhang;School of Economics;Peking University;Beijing;China.