Trading Land Development Rights under a Planned Land Use System:The"Zhejiang Model"
Hui Wang;Associate Professor; Department of Land Management; College of Public Administration;Zhejiang University; Hangzhou; ChinaRan Tao;Center for Chinese Agricultural Policy; the Chinese Academy of Sciences; Beijing; China. Juer Tong~*Associate Professor; Department of Land Manaeement. College of Public Administration; Zheiiane University. Hanezhou. China
how good is corporate governance in china?
Tong Lu; Professor; Chinese Centre for Corporate Governance; Chinese Academy of Social Sciences ; Beijing; China.Jiyin Zhong; Professor; Institute of Economics;CASS; Beijing; China.Jie Kong;Assistant Research Fellow; Institute of World Economics and Politics; CASS; Beijing; China.
china's sovereign wealth fund:weakness and challenges
Ming Zhang; Assistant Professor; Institute of World Economics and Politics; Chinese Academy of Social Sciences; Beijing; China. Fan He; Associate Professor; Institute of World Economics and Politics; Chinese Academy of Social Sciences; Beijing; China.