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Approximation Theory and Its Applications
2015 Issue 1
The Strong Approximation of Functions by Fourier-Vilenkin Series in Uniform and H?lder Metrics
T.V.Iofina;S.S.Volosivets;Saratov State University;Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics;
Parameterized Littlewood-Paley Operators and Their Commutators on Lebesgue Spaces with Variable Exponent
Lijuan Wang;Shuangping Tao;College of Mathematics and Statistics Science;Northwest Normal University;
Construction Theory of Function on Local Fields
Weiyi Su;Department of Mathematics;Nanjing University;
Convergence of the q Analogue of Szász-Beta-Stancu Operators
Yang Xu;Xiaomin Hu;Institute of Mathematics;Hangzhou Dianzi University;
C~p Condition and the Best Local Approximation
H.H.Cuenya;D.E.Ferreyra;Departamento de Matemática;Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto;
The Fractional Maximal Operator and Marcinkiewicz Integrals Associated with Schr?dinger Operators on Morrey Spaces with Variable Exponent
Yu Shu;Min Wang;Department of Economic and Trade;Anhui Business College of Vocational Technoiogy;School of Mathematics and Computer Science;Anhui Normal University;
Some Integral Mean Estimates for Polynomials with Restricted Zeros
Abdullah Mir;Q.M.Dawood;Bilal Dar;Department of Mathematics;University of Kashmir;
Some Results on the Upper Convex Densities of the Self-Similar Sets at the Contracting-Similarity Fixed Points
Shaoyuan Xu;Wangbin Xu;Zuoling Zhou;School of Maths and Statistics;Hanshan Normal University;School of Maths and Statistics;Hubei Normal University;School of Lingnan;Zhongshan University;