Research on RMS Features of Throwing Techniques of Excellent Female Discus Athletes of China
DONG Haijun1;2;FENG Haitao3;HAO Xuanming1;ZHU Yanling4 1.Xi ’ an University of Physical Education;Xi ’ an 710068;China;2.South China Normal University;Guangzhou 510631;China;3.Hebei University of Science and Technology;Shijiazhuang 050018;China;4.Shijiazhuang Medical College of Higher;Shijiazhuang 050081;China
Kinematic Research of Backward Crouch Start from New Starting Platform in Swimming
ZHANG Jie1;ZHAO Hongjuan2;ZHONG Yu3 1.Department of Physical Education;Xi ’an University of Architecture & Technology;Xi ’an 710055;China;2.Department of Physical Education;Northwest University of Politics and Laws;Xi ’ an 710068;China;3.Faculty of Physical Education;Xi ’an Physical Education University;Xi ’an 710068;China