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Journal of Beijing Agricultural Administrators'Col
2005 Issue 1
ji zhong te xing da mi jian jie
Analysis on the Development of Rural Logistics Industry in China
lin shanbo(fujian normal university; fuzhou fujian 350007; china)
Shorting the Difference Lying in Harmonizing the Policy and System of City and Country
qu zheng; zhao kang; duan yongfeng(guizhou university; guiyang guizhou 550025; china)
bei jing jiao qu shi di nong min jiu ye wen ti yan jiu
zhu jing yan ; wang you gui
gao zhi sheng shu xue ke cheng xue xi zhuang kuang de fen xi ji si kao
lu xiao hua ; zhao ai min ; shi jun qing
On Country Mediation System in the Grass Roots
dong yupeng(shandong university ; jinan shandong 250100; china)
On Three Defects of Ecological Agriculture Studies
li chengzong; xie cuirong(hunan university; changsha hunan 410082; china)
Studies on Modernization Degree of Agriculture in China
zhao huiqing(tianjin university of finance and economic; tianjin 300222; china)
R.& D. Strategy for Green Food Enterprise
lu qingguang(chinese academy of agriculture sciences; beijing 100081; china)
Studyies on Critical Technologies in Embryo-Transfer of Ber Goats
li yubing1 ; xiao xishan1 ; xie fuqiang2 ; hou yinxu1 ; zhao jinxiang3; cheng peng1; wang wenli1; qi junzhe1; qiao lidong 1 ; yan kaihang4 (1.beijing agricultural vocation college; beijing 102442; china; 2. china agriculture university; beijing 100094 ; china; 3. pinggu district service center for livestock breeder; beijing 101206; china; 4. lvdu goat breeding limited company; beijing 101206; china)