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Journal of Beijing Institute of Light Industry
1992 Issue 2
7ji de te zheng
Zou Linong Beijing Institute of Light Industry
zhi liu gao su dian ti pc kong zhi xi tong
Liu Zaiwen;Liu Xin;Zhang yufeng;Guo Xing pu Beijing Institute of Light Industry
ji san xi tong zai guo cheng kong zhi zhong de ying yong he zhan wang
Xia Deqian;Wang Jinfeng Beijing Institute of Light Industry
dai shu fa pei ping hua xue fan ying fang cheng shi
Zhang Xiu ling;Pan bang jin Beijing Institute of Light Industry
ren yuan cao zuo - jian cha ke kao du de que ding
Jiang Yinzhong;Xu Fengzhang;Gao Jinzhong;Cao Wensu Beijing Institute of Light Industry
ri luo huang zai gong mo dian ji shang xi fu fan ying de yan jiu
Mo Shucheng Beijing Institute of Light IndustryNo Jianmin Beijing Instiute of Food Industry
jiao - jiao xuan tong you ji bian pin diao su qi de dan pian ji kong zhi
Wu Huixian Beijing Institute of Light Industry
ya bao jing lv zuo he jin jie jing he xin de jing ti jie gou jian ding
Wang Changming Beijing Institute of Light IndustryFeng Qingling Tsinghua University
jing mi zhen dong gong si ji shu
Sun Hong Ren;Zhang Ying Lian Northwest Institute of Light IndustryLi Jin Lun BeijingI Istitute of Light Industry
dian lu ke cheng ji suan ji fu zhu jiao xue xi tong
Han jiqun;Zhu Qimei Beijing Institute of Light Industry
quan guo gao deng yuan xiao hua gong yuan li shi ti ku ruan jian she ji
Zhang Yanwen Beijing Institute of Light Industry
bao ceng sao miao ce ding zao ren an shen ye you xiao cheng fen de yan jiu
Zhao Yuliug;Lu Ping;Yang Ping Beijing Institute of Light Industry
dian wei di ding zai zeng ye jiao ti biao mian dian he mi du yan jiu zhong de ying yong
Shen Zhilong;Mo Shucheng Beijing Institute of Light IndustryRen Zhizhong Henan University