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Journal of Beijing Broadcasting Institute (Science and Technology)
2014 Issue 3
A Scientific Conjecture about the Velocity of the Object
ZAN Ting-quan;Chinese Center of Systems Economics Research;Communication University of China;
Discusses on the Tesla Scalar Waves
HUANG Zhi-xun;Communication University of China;
The Effect of Critical Listening on the Auditory Discriminability
ZHANG Jing-ying;MENG Zi-hou;Communication Acoustics Laboratory;Communication University of China;
Computer Intelligent Monitoring of the Broadcast and Television under the Digital Condition
NIU Xiao-xu;SONG Wen-zhe;WANG Xuan;ECDAV;Communication University of China;Monitor Station Of HaErbin;The State Press and Publication;
Analysis Watermark Embedding Position in H.264 Compression Video
XIE Jin-bao;SUI Ai-na;Communication University of China;
Community Information Service Based on the Null Packet Technology
XIN Xin;SONG Jin-bao;CHEN Sen;FENG Zhen-wei;Beijing Industry Technology Development Center;Communication University of China;Beijing GeHua CATV Network co. ltd;Information Center of Beijing Municipal Commission of Economy and Information Technology;
The Structure of Neveu- Schwarz N = 2 Supercomformal Algebra
FU Jia-yuan;SHAO Xia;TAN Xiao;Faculty of Science and Techonology;Communication University of China;
Analysis of Web Users’ Satisfaction for Web Video Based on Multivariate Statistical Methods
CHEN Hong-jing;Sun Jing;Wang Wen-cong;Faculty of Science and Techonology;Communication University of China;Education College of Beijing University;Credit Card Center of China Construction Bank;
Analysis of Factors Affecting Savings of Chinese Residents
LI Xin-yan;WANG Yan;ZHANG Xiao-yue;Faculty of Science and Techonology;Communication University of China;
Study on a Kind of Weakening Buffer Operator
LIU Yong-fei;Zhang Hui;XIE Zhong-cheng;Faculty of Science and Techonology;Communication University of China;
A Kind of New Strengthening Buffer Operators and Their Applications
ZHANG Fang-hong;WU Zheng-peng;ZHENG Song-zhu;Faculty of Science and Techonology;Communication University of China;
Term Explanations of Systems Economics
ZAN Ting-quan;Chinese Center for Systems Economics Research;Communication University of China;
zheng gao qi shi