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Journal of Northern Jiaotong University
2015 Issue 1
Development and application on computer-aided system of tunnel construction risk analysis and evaluation
LIU Baoguo;WANG Jian;School of Civil Engineering;Beijing Jiaotong University;
Pressure change from the cross aisle when the train passing through parallel tunnel of high-speed railway
LUO Jianjun;WU Jin;CHEN Pengfei;Tunnel and Underground Engineering Research Center of Ministry of Education;Beijing Jiaotong University;
Control optimization of drilling and blasting parameters during mountain tunnel construction period
FANG Yu;LIU Kaiyun;School of Civil Engineering;Beijing Jiaotong University;Anhui Expressway Holding Group Co.;Ltd.;
Study of key techniques of metro stations construction using PBA based enlarging large diameter shield tunnel
SUN Changjun;ZHANG Dingli;ZHENG Hao;WANG Le;School of Civil Engineering;Beijing Jiaotong University;Beijing Metro Construction Administration Corp. Ltd.;Beijing Municipal Group;Jiangsu Province Communications Planning and Design Institute Limited Company;
Stress evolutions of some key points in the structure of subway station using cover and top-down excavation method
RAN Daoping;XIAO Feng;CHEN Peipei;BAI Bing;China Construction Communications Engineering Group Corporation Limited Company;School of Civil Engineering;Beijing Jiaotong University;
Traffic flow prediction model of highway tunnel based on PSO-Gaussian process coupled algorithm
WAN Liangyong;LIU Kaiyun;School of Civil Engineering;Beijing Jiaotong University;Shijiazhuang Metro Co.;Ltd.;
Finite element analysis of hall-style ancient wooden structure considering damage factors
YANG Na;WANG Yang;QIN Shujie;School of Civil Engineering;Beijing Jiaotong University;Beijing Bo Qi Electric Power SCI-TECH Company;
A calculation method of remaining life of ancient wooden components based on the cumulative damage theory
WANG Yang;YANG Na;School of Civil Engineering;Beijing Jiaotong University;Beijing Boqi Electric Power SCI-TECH Company;
Precipitation threshold for subway openings/station entrances under heavy rainfall
JIANG Hui;ZENG Yaguang;XU Tiankun;GU Aijun;LU Yi;WENG Yongnan;QIU Wei;School of Civil Engineering;Beijing Jiaotong University;Beijing Subway Co.;Ltd;Fronttech Co.;Ltd.;
Numerical simulation of velocity field on moving subway train fire
XI Yanhong;LIU Chao;MAO Jun;School of Civil Engineering;Beijing Jiaotong University;
Fire smoke detection in train carriages based on multiple features fusion
CHEN Haipeng;LIU Fei;XU Lei;XU Guangwei;WANG Honglei;TAN Huachun;CSR Qingdao Sifang Co.;Ltd.;Easyway Intelligent System Company Limited;School of Mechanical Engineering;Beijing Institute of Technology;
Influence of climate change on reliability of RC structure under carbonization
XIE Huibing;WANG Yuanfeng;YANG Xiaoyuan;LIU Minghui;School of Civil Engineering;Beijing Jiaotong University;
Development of the major air pollutant emission inventory and the influence of the thermal power station on the haze weather for Beijing
WANG Jin;JI Yikang;School of Civil Engineering;Beijing Jiaotong University;
Analysis of the urban village practice as the cities’ “supplementary space"
SHI Kehui;LI Yuqian;School of Architecture;Tianjin University;School of Architecture and Art;Beijing Jiaotong University;
Research of urban rail transit construction level based on the principal component analysis from the perspective of DEA
GUO Jianmin;HAN Linfei;MA Lili;School of Civil Engineering;Beijing Jiaotong University;School of Architecture and Design;Beijing Jiaotong University;Beijing Jiaoke Transport Consultants Ltd.;
Data acquisition and pre-processing research of weird complex thermal structure components
FANG Hairong;GONG Jun;School of Mechanical;Electronic and Control Engineering;Beijing Jiaotong University;
Influence of superelevation of subway line act on wheel-rail wear
ZHOU Suxia;XUE Rui;School of Mechanical-Electronic and Automobile Engineering;Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture;
Development of simulation device for engine combustion signal
TIAN Ying;LYU Xin;JIN Zhenhua;NIE Shengfang;LU Qingchun;School of Mechanical;Electronic and Control Engineering;Beijing Jiaotong University;State Key Laboratory of Automotive Safety and Energy;Tsinghua University;
Flight simulator with 6-RRS redundant actuation spherical parallel manipulator
ZHOU Changchun;FANG Yuefa;YE Wei;School of Mechanical;Electronic and Control Engineering;Beijing Jiaotong University;
Numerical simulation for train brake disc ventilation
PAN Like;HAN Jianmin;LI Zhiqiang;YANG Zhiyong;LI Weijing;School of Mechanical;Electronic and Control Engineering;Beijing Jiaotong University;
Performance and design of wind turbine with wind acceleration equipment
CHEN Yaqiong;FANG Yuefa;School of Mechanical;Electronic and Control Engineering;Beijing Jiaotong University;