convergence properties of the dependent prp conjugate gradient methods
Shujun LIAN Department of Mathematics;Shanghai University;Shanghai 200436;China;College of Operations and Management;Qufu Normal University;Qufu 273165;China.Changyu WANG College of Operations and Management;Qufu Normal University;Qufu 273165;China.Lixia CAO Department of Mathematics;Rizhao Radio and Television University;Rizhao 276826;China.
solution classification for the nonperspective-three-point problem
Jianliang TANG Department of Mathematics;College of Science;Shenzhen University;Shenzhen 518060;Key Laboratory of Mathematics Mechanization.Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100080;China.Wensheng CHEN Department of Mathematics.College of Science;Shenzhen University.Shenzhen 518060;China.
stability of n-dimensional linear systems with multiple delays and application to synchronization
Weihua DENG School of Mathematics and Statistics.Lanzhou University;Lanzhou 730000;China;Department of Mathematics;Shanghai University.Shanghai 200444.China.Jinhu L Key Laboratory of Systems and Control;Institute of Systems Science;Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science;Chinese Academy of Sciences.Beijing 100080;China:Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology;Princeton Universiyt;NJ 08544.USA.Changpin LI Department of Mathematics;Shanghai University.Shanghai 200444.China.
testing for long memory in the asian foreign exchange rates
Abdol S.SOOFI Department of Economics;University of Wisconsin;Platteville;WI 53818;USA.Shouyang WANG Institute of Systems Science;Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science;Chinese Academy of Sciences;Beijing 100080;China.Yuqin ZHANG School of International Trade and Economics;University of International Business and Economics.Beijing 100029.China.
a simple method for constructing orthogonal arrays by the kronecker sum
Yingshan ZHANG Department of Statistics;East China Normal University;Shanghai 200062.China;Lab of Mathematics and Its Application;Peking University;Beijing 100871;China.Weiguo LI School of Sciences;Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics;Beijing 100083;China.Shisong MAO Department of Statistics;East China Normal University;Shanghai 200062;China.Zhongguo ZHENG Lab of Mathematics and Its Application;Peking University;Beijing 100871.China.