30 years of prosperity in china's non-state economy
liu yingqiu 1 and liu xiahui 2 1dean and doctoral adviser of the graduate school at the cass; director and fellow of the center for private economic studies at the cass 2director and fellow of the office of economic growth theory of the institute of economics at the cass
the energy-intensity of china's export trade
liu qiang 1; zhuang xing2; jiang kejuan3; han wenke4 & hu xiulian5 1associate professor; energy research institute of national development & reform commission (ndrc); 2associate professor; energy research institute; ndrc; 3professor; energy research institute; ndrc; 4director general and professor; energy research institute; ndrc; 5 professor ; energy research institute; ndrc
competition and cooperation in the chinese and indian software industries
fang hong1; chen xiaoyu2 and wang hongxia3 1professor of the school of economics and management of beijing university of aeronautics and astronautics 2graduate student of the school of economics and management of beijing university of aeronautics and astronautics 3graudate student of the school of economics and management of beijing university of aeronautics and astronautics