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Journal of Nanjing University (Philosophy, Humanities and Social Sciences)
2003 Issue 1
On the Renovation of Marxism within Contemporary Perspectives
Jacques Bidet
The Theory of Share Tenancy and Nanjing University
Stever N. S. Cheung
On the Superiority of Commodity Contracts over Factor Contracts
LIU Dong;WANG De-hua;CHENG Xue-yin;ZHANG Jie
ben kan rong huo di er jie guo jia qi kan jiang ti ming jiang
ben kan bian ji bu ;
Forms of the Existence of Knowledge
SUN Jin-nian
The Writings of an Alien——A Sociological Interpretation of Pearl S. Buck
HE Xiao-xing;ZHONG Xin
Review of Geng Yong and He Manzis Literary Dialogues
MIN Kang-sheng