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EST Learning
2007 Issue 11
A Robot in Every Home
bill gates
New Material May Lead to Advances in Quantum Computing
susan ray
volcanoes to cool climate?
larry o hanlon
your right parietal lobe and performance in math
ding yu xing
zheng gao qi shi
ben kan bian ji bu
Students Produce Movies with Cell Phones
melissa trujillo
Dare to Dream
romanus wolter
biao shi dong wu qun de ying yu liang ci
mao dong hui
ying yu zhong ji ge biao shi yin xing fou ding de ju xing
dang yuan ming
ying yu cheng yu darby and joan tan yuan
tian chuan mao
Just Say "Thank You"
marshall goldsmith
zhong can cai pu ying wen wu yi tan xi
qin yan bin
qian tan ke ji shu yu de han yi
deng zhuo ming
the university of california,berkeley
li lin
jiao zhen yi ju hua
cao shun fa
ronald stuart thomas
souped-up telescope
michael d.lemonick
calculating the word spurt
julie j.rehmeyer
geologist plans volcano safety for ecuador
wang zuo
fou ding qian zhui de fei fou ding yu yi
zuo ting
Discovery Makes Black Holes More Puzzling
hu de liang
ying yu tong yin ci bian xi
xu ren feng
you dui cost yong fa de tao lun suo xiang dao de
ren kai xing