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EST Learning
2005 Issue 4
human "dental chaos" linked to evolution of cooking
john pickrell
ke ji ci hui zhong de yin yu xian xiang
chai lei
ha li bo te zhong de ci yuan xue
yong wen zuo
ying yu zhong ge wei xiu shi xian xiang qian xi
sun li hong ; li yu wu
Wal-Mart: Learning to Love it
wang jin bo
researchers identify roach love
shankar vedantam
trains get fluffy
philip ball
The Perils (and Pluses) of Paying Online
jill andresky fraser
fuel cell technology showcase
from www. sae. org
Children Remember More from Television than Reading
juliette molen & tom voort
Marine Biology: Whale Fall
amanda haag
Urban Cyclists to Get a Head Start on Cars -New road layouts favour bikes
jonathan leake and dipesh gadher
potatoes deliver hepatitis vaccine in human trials
mini human species unearthed
kate wong
robots toddle along with human efficiency
jessica ebert
speaking tonal languages promotes perfect pitch
don monroe
nature barriers reduced tsunami devastation
gaia vince
Leadership Paradox
warren bennis
cong liang ge ju zi tan ying yu de wai wei tong wei yu
xing dian pu
gao deng
"huan xing yi fa ": yi wen yu kun huo
cheng lin
social sounds boost bird breeding
emma marris
maid in manhattan
yue heng
you mo tian di
lin fang
brittany hanson
Philosophers' Paradoxes
silicon laser runs non-stop
mark peplow