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2008 Issue 4
Arias in Films
zhang ke cheng
Collectible Di Stefano recordings
ma si jia
La Forza del Destino-Giuseppe di Stefano
tang ruo fu
Worries amidst Jubilation
shao qi qing
Legacy of a bygone Princess
qing zuo
duan xiao xi
Interntional Live Streaming
Some thoughts on the CCTV Singer Competition
ma jin quan
Haydn Oratorios in April
tao ye
Expression Marks
hu yue fei
Expert Course
han li wen
Musicians run in Chinese families(2)
qi cong rong
Opera History(4)
chen ben qian
Music Events
xin wen kuai che
Musical poetic spirit-Huang Zi and his art songs
xu le na
The Royal Opera House's Salome:winning by a head
clive barda
jin jian min
Operatic Maestros
jin jian min
Farewell to My Concubine's American tour
jiang li ; jing zuo ren ; fei bin
A true renaissance of France Baroque opera
shen zuo
Peter Grimes gets new staging at the Met
ken howard/metropolitan opera house
Under the Iinden tree-Berlin's State Opera
li li