Study on the Information Disclosure System of Chinese Trade Associations
jin yanhua is professor at school of arts and laws; beijing university of chemical technology.chen dongzhi is postgraduate at school of economics and management; beijing university of chemical technology.beijing 100101
Technical Factor:A Vital Factor In Improving Government Enforceability
chen qixing is professor and director at department of public administration; shanghai administration institute; zhao yong is lecturer at department of public administration; shanghai administration institute; 200233
An Analysis of Local Budgetary Power as a Tightly Restrained Policy Process
li ming is postdoctor of public policy institute; school of public policy management; tsinghua university; beijing 100841; hou yilin is associate professor at the department of public administration and policy; school of public and international affairs; university of georgia; usa
Synergetic Governance:A New Logic of Service-oriented Government
zheng qiao is from school of public administration; fujian normal university; fuzhou 350007; xiao wentao is from department of public administration; fujian school of administration; fuzhou 350002
Hierarchical Fuzzy Evaluation of Satisfaction with Government Services
yang liansheng is professor at school of humanities and social science; dalian university of technology; yin shuang is postgraduate at school of humanities and social science; dalian university of technology; dalian 116024