The Practical Pursuit and Goal Orientation of Reform of Super Ministry
wang yan is professor at school of humanities; nanjing university of aeronautics and astronautics; wang xiaoqing is postgraduate at school of humanities; nanjing university of aeronautics and astronautics; nanjing 210016
Government Restructuring and Sub-ministerial Bureaus
li yichun is vice director at cultural industry office in chongwen district; beijing city and vice researcher at management school of hefei industry university; beijing 100062
Environmental Emergency Administration:Mission,Circumstances and Reform
li qiang is a doctoral student at organization cultural institute of nanjing university and a staff of jiangsu province organization committee office.cai yan is a staff of the environmental emergency and accident investigation centre of jiangsu province; nanjing 210019
The Way to Improve Government Director System of China
wang shuwen is vice director and professor of law and politics school; deputy director of mpa program education center; ocean university of china; qingdao 266100