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Chinese Public Administration
2008 Issue 1
dong tai yu zi xun
The Role of Government during the Course of Community Self-Organizing Capacity Building
wang ruihua is a teacher at school of political science & law; jimei university; xiamen 361021
Study on Contemporary German Local Government Public Service Reform
jin yongzhu is doctoral candidate at department of public affairs; xiamen university; xiamen 361005
zheng fu xin xi zi yuan gong xiang de yuan li he fang fa
li wei dong
On Agriculture Protective System Arrangement and Policy Choice in Our Country
piao zhenzi is professor; dean of public administration department of international business institute; qingdao university; qingdao 266071
Legal Thoughts on Information Resource Sharing and Copyright Protection
lin yin is assistant archivist at library of renmin university of china; beijing 100872
Another Saving Way for Governmental Failure——A Kind of Analysis Different From the Theory of Public Choice
wang zhenrong is professor and dean school of politics and public management; shanxi university; chang yijun is a post-graduate student at the same school; taiyuan; china; 030006
xue hui xin xi
The Quantitative Analysis of the Official Accountability Practice in China
song tao is doctor of management; associate professor at department of public management; shenzhen university; 518060
The Study of Government Scale and Administration Cost
ni haidong and an xiumei are professor at central university of finance and economics; beijing; 100081
Reinventing Government Functions and Restraint Mechanism for Government's Self-interest
yu ning is doctorate cadidate at school of government; peking university and head of supervision and inspection department; central institutional organization commisson; beijing 100871
On the Reform of the Mode of Government Enforcement of Law:from the Perspective of Officials Suing Civilian
xiao jinming is professor at law school of shandong university and post doctorate at school of government; beijing university; beijing 100871
Citizen Participation in Government Performance Measurement:A Historical Review and Assessment
zhou zhiren is professor at government school; beijing university; beijing 100871
Compound Administration:The Middle Regional Management Model in China
liu sheng is doctoral cadidate at public administration department of renmin university and the lecture in politics and public management school of hunan university; beijing; 100871; deng chunling is the post doctorate and assistant researcher in the urban development and environment center; chinese academy of social sciences; beijing 100732
lun cheng xin de jing ji guan
guan rong zuo
Advocating People's Happy Livelihood is Value Pursue of The Government on Good Governance
luo jianwen is professor at philosophy department; hunan university of science and technology; xiangtan 411201
Non-Profit Organization and Anti-Corruption:Theoritical Backgrounds and Analysis of International Experience
li xiufeng is associate professor at public management department; china youth university; beijing 100089
Comparison of Japan and American Defense Industry Organization and Their Implications
cao yousheng is doctoral candidate at school of economic management; harbin engineering university; liu xisong is professor at school of economic management; harbin engineering university; harbin 150001
Review of the Theory of Regulational Public Enforcement
xu dexin is professor and dean at school of law & arts; anhui technology university; maanshan 243002
Investigation on the Status Quo of the Civil Servants' Moral Construction in China
xie lingling; phd.lecturer; zheng yanliang; professor; yan hongqin; associate professor; public administration school; beihang university; beijing 100083
Analyzing the Managemen System Reform Goal of Our Country's Villages and Towns
ang yongsheng is the associate professor at public administration departmnet; administrative institute of anhui.hefei 230051
Challenges of Developing Public-Private Partnerships for China's Government Management and Corresponding Policies
zhang wankuan is doctor candidate at school of public policy and management; tsinghua university; beijing; china; 100084
Dynamic Capability in the Construction of Task-oriented Organization
zhang kangzhi is professor of public administration at renmin university of china; cheng dan is doctoral candidate at the same school; beijing 100872
Foundation of High-performance Government and the Issue of Public Trust to Government
zhang xuxia is lecturer at school of public administration in university of international business and economy; beijing; 100029
Main Fields of Innovation of Government Administration and Service Manner
liping is doctoral candidate at department of public administration; renmin university of china; beijing; 100872; han yi is lecturer at department of public administration; nanchang university; nanchang 330031
yi lao ling hua
xia shu zhang
he xie she hui yu gou jian fu wu xing zheng fu
wang zhuo jun
The Concept of Administration Cost:its analysis and redefine
zhu huitao is doctoral cadidate at school of government; beijing university; 100871; wang hui is professor at school of management; anhui university; hefei 230039
xia shu zhang yu zhong guo xing zheng guan li xue
gao xiao ping
zai ju shi guan zhu xia zuo hao er ba
ben kan bian ji bu ; shao jing jun
Study on Orientation of Chinese City Governments' Functions Basing on Urban Basic Functions
yang jing is doctoral candidate at urban institution; sichuan university; chengdu 610064; zhao shurong is doctoral candidate at business and management school; sichuan university; chengdu 610054
nong cun fu pin zi jin de shu ju bao luo fen xi
liu ping ; li hong xing
Tax Policy towards High Incomes of Monopoly Industries
ou bin is deputy chief of local taxation bureau of guangdong province; guangzhou 510030
Analysis on Self-discipline Realization of the Third-sector for China Government Performance Evaluation
bao guoxian is professor and dean of management school; lanzhou university; zhang zhidong is a post-graduated student at the same school; lanzhou 730000
The Analysis about Switching Cost of Civil Servants Transfer and Promotion
li quanlu is associate professor at the economics and management school; lanzhou university of technology; lanzhou 730050
Study on Intergovernmental Relationship from the Angle of Fiscal Federalism
liu yinxi is post doctorate at school of economics in beijing university and associate professor at public management school of inner-mongolia university; huhehaote 010021
ben kan qi shi