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Chinese Rice Research Newsletter
1998 Issue 2
The effects of dark-broken by UV-B, UV-A, and blue light on fertility of PGMR Nongken 58s
YUE Bing;LI Hesheng;and FENG Shengqiu;Agro Dept;Huazhong Agri Univ;Wuhan 430070;China
Inheritance of resistance to bacterial streak and bacterial blight in rice
XU Jianlong;WANG Hanrong;LIN Yizi;and XI Yongan;ZheJiang Acad of Agri Sci;Hangzhou 310021;China
Effects of cultivation measures on Hirschmanniella oryzae
GAO Xuebiao;ZHOU Huijuan;and FENG Zhixin;Lab of Plant Nematology;South China Agri Univ;Guangzhou 510642;China
Mechanisms of immunization of rice seedlings-the change of anti-pathogen substance content
YU Yunzhen;MAO Guojie;and YANG Jiashu;Plant Protection Dept;Shenyang Agri Univ;Shenyang 110161;China
Observation on ultrastructural change of embryogenic suspension cells cryopreserved by vitrification in rice (Oryza sativa L.)
WANG junhui;LIU Feng;and HUANG Chunnong;College of Life Sci;Hangzhou Univ. Hangzhou 310028;YAN Qiusheng and ZHANG Xueyin;CNRRI;Hangzhou 310006;China
novel rice genes involved in compatible and incompatible interaction with magnaporthe grisea
DONG Haitao;HE Zuhua;DONG Jixin;WU Yuliang;and Li Debao;Biotechnology Inst;Zhejiang Agri Univ;Hangzhou 310029;China
Introduction of Brazil upland rice in China
Reported by LI Nantian;CNRRI;Hangzhou 310006;China
Analysis of genetic effects and heritabilities for amylose content of indica rice in different environments
SHI Chunhai;CHEN Guolin;ZHU Jun;ZANG Rongchun;and WU Jianguo;Dept of Agro;Zhejiang Agri Univ;Hangzhou 310029;China
Influence of different inoculation methods on the evaluation of the resistance to rice sheath blight(Rhizoctonia solani Kuhn)
PAN Xuebiao;CHEN Zongxiang;XU Jingyou;TONG Yunhui;WANG Zibin;and PAN Xingyuan;Dept of Agro of Agri Coll;Yangzhou Univ. Yangzhou 225009;China