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Chinese Rice Research Newsletter
1997 Issue 2
New early indica variety Zhongyouzao 3
HUANG Fasong;HU Peisong;TANG Shaoqing;and LUO Ju;CNRRI;Hangzhou 310006;China
Investigation on the cold tolerance of Dongxiang wild rice at seedling and heading stage
CHEN Dazhou;Rice Res Inst;Jiangxi Acad of Agri Sci;LUO Lijun;CNRRI;Hangzhou 310006;XIAOYaqing;ZHAO Shaxiang;and Pi Yonghua;Rice Res Inst;Jiangxi Acad of Agri Sci;Nanchang 330200;China
The heterotic effects on dry matter production and grain yield formation in hybrid rice
LIN Wenxiong and LIANG Yiyuan;Agro Dept;Fujian Agri Univ;Fuzhou 350002;China
Rice cultivation on floating-beds in different natural waters
SONG Xiangfu;WU Weiming;JING Qianyu;YING Huodong;ZHU Ming;and ZOU Guoyan;CNRRI;Hangzhou 310006;China
The effect of dehydration on plant regeneration and some physiology characters in rice calli
ZHAO Chengzhang;WU Lianbin;YANG Changdeng;and QI Xiufang;CNRRI;Hangzhou 310006;China
Analysis of variation in temperature-responsive leaf color mutant lines induced from Gamma irradiation in rice (Oryza sativa L. )
WU Dianxing;SHU Qingyao;XIA Yingwu;and LIU Guifu;Inst of Nuclear Agri Sci;Zhejiang Agri Univ;Hangzhou 310029;China
Effect of LaCl3 on the chilling tolerance of rice seedlings
LI Meiru;LIU Hongxian;and WANG Yirou;South China Inst of Botany;Academia Sinica;Guangzhou 510650;China
Genetic analysis of quality traits in intersubspecies crosses of rice
XU Chenwu;ZHANG Aihong;AO Yan;andZ HU Qingsen;Agri College;Yangzhou Univ;Yangzhou 225009;Ch ina
A new transplant technology
Using silicon to enhance rice anther culture efficiency
LIU Baoshen and CHEN Cuixia;Agro Dept;Shandong Agri Univ;Taian 271018;YIN Liqing and ZHANG Jianjun;Crop Res Inst;Shanghai Acad of Agri Sci;Shanghai 201106;China.
STS dataset of major parents in current breeding programs of rice (O. saliva L. subsp. indica)
ZHENG Kanle;ZHUANG Jieyun;LU Jun;LI Ximing;and ZHU Xudong;CNRRI;Hangzhou 310006;KE Wei;Rice Res Inst;Guangdong Acad of Agri Sci;Guangzhou 510640;ZHAO Shegen;Fosan Inst of Agri Sci;Nanhai 528251;China