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Chinese Rice Research Newsletter
1996 Issue 3
Gene analysis of blast resistance of a japonica rice variety
LI Xinhai and ZOU Detang;AgroDept of Agri Umiv;Ha’rbin 150030;China;ZHOU Tong;Seed conipany of Ha’rbin;Ha’rbin 150030;China
RFLP tagging of a gene for giant embryo and the integration of chromosome 7 of rice
QIAN Qian;XIONG Zhenming and MIN Shaokai;CNRRI;Hangzhou 310006;China;ZHU Lihuang;Inst of Genetics;Acad Since;Beijing 100101;China
Relationship of egg parasitoids of rice planthoppers between rice and non-rice habitats
YU Xiaoping;Zhejiang Acad Agri Sci;Hangzhou 310021;China;China;Heung KL.IRRI;Philippines;Hu Cui;Zhejiang Agric Univ;Hangzhou 310029;China
Mapping of a gene for photoperiod-sensitive genic male sterility in Nongken 58s on chromosome 5 of rice
LIN Xinghua;YU Gongxin;ZHANG Duanpin;XIE Yuefeng;QIN Falan;State key laboratory in genetic improve ment of crops;Huahong;Agri Univ;Wuhan 430070;China
Combined pollution of Cd and Zn in soil-rice systems and its indexes
ZHOU Qixing and WANG Fengping;Dept of Emnronmental Sciences;Zhejiang Agri Univ;Hangzhou 310029;China
A novel approach for discovery and exploitation of new male sterile cytoplasm resources for hybrid rice
LIU Xiaochuang and WU Jianli;CNRRI Hangzhou 310006;China;MA Saghai Maroof;Virginia Polytechnic Inst and State Univ;Blacksburg;VA 24061;USA
Effect of an earliness gene on the growth duration and yield of intersubspecies hybrids
CAO Liyong;CNRRI;Hangzhou 310006;China;SHEN Zongtan;Zhejiang Agri Univ;Hangzhou 310029;China
Biological effects of Pingyangmycin and Y-rays treatments on rice (Oryza sativa L.)
WU Guanting;WANG Xianyu;and ZHOU Zhiyuan;Inst for Application of Atomic Energy;Zhejiang Acad of Agri Sci;Hangzhou 310021;China;XIA Yingwu and SHU Qingyao;Inst of Nuclear Agri Sci;Zhejiang Agri Univ;Hangzhou 310029;China