The Ecological Restoration Technologies of Riparian Area in Liaohe Conservation Area
DUAN Liang;SONG Yong-hui;ZHANG Lin-rong;ZHAO Wei-wei;XU Wei-xue;ZHI Er-quan;State Key Laboratory of Environmental Criteria and Risk Assessment;Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences;Department of Urban Water Environmental Research;Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences;Institute of Environmental and Safety Engineering;Shenyang University of Chemical Technology;
Ecological Restoration Technology of Oxbow Lake Wetlands in Liaohe Conservation Area
DUAN Liang;SONG Yong-hui;ZHI Er-quan;ZHANG Lin-rong;ZHAO Wei-wei;XU Wei-xue;State Key Laboratory of Environmental Criteria and Risk Assessment;Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences;Department of Urban Water Environmental Research;Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences;Institute of Environmental and Safety Engineering;Shenyang University of Chemical Technology;
Study on Ecological Restoration of Pond Wetland in Liaohe Conservation Area
DUAN Liang;SONG Yong-hui;ZHANG Lin-rong;XU Wei-xue;ZHI Er-quan;ZHAO Wei-wei;State Key Laboratory of Environmental Criteria and Risk Assessment;Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences;Department of Urban Water Environmental Research;Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences;Institute of Environmental and Safety Engineering;Shenyang University of Chemical Technology;
Progress of Applied Research on Fluidized-bed Technology in Wastewater Treatment
GE Jie;SONG Yong-hui;WANG Yi-li;QIAN Feng;LIN Yu;Department of Urban Water Environmental Research;Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences;College of Environmental Science and Engineering;Beijing Forestry University;Beijing Key Laboratory of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering;China University of Geosciences;