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Theory and Practice of Education
2006 Issue 1
Approach to the Learning- typed society and Its Basis: Establishment and Development of Japanese Citizen Center
wu zun- min (research institute for the elementary education reform and development; east china normal university)
On the Ethics and Morality of Educational System
li jiang- yuan1; hu bin- wu2 (1.department of education; sichuan normal university; 2.college of education; zhejiang university)
A Brief Talk about the Causes and Countermeasures of Low Efficiency of Educational Administration——a Perspective of Public Selection Theory
li chun- ling (department of educational management; zhejiang educational college)
Slogan and Appeal or Action and Implementation ——On the Three Basic Guarantees for the Smooth Implementation of the Curriculum Reform in the New Elementary Education
rong zhong- kui (research institute for the international and comparative education; beijing normal university)
An Analysis of Factors Affecting Teachers Teaching Behavior & Countermeasures
gong qing- feng (educational department of xinzhou teachers college)
Meaning of the “School- based” and Its Elements
ding wei- hong ( jiangsu educational scientific research institute)
The Construction of Curriculum Studies in the 21~(st) Century: Beyond Modern and Postmodern
wang xia (department of education science and administration; nanjing university; )
The Selection of Teaching Methods: a Different Thinking and Practical Enlightenment from the Angle of Subject Need
zhang li- chang (college of education science; shanxi normal university)
On the Teaching Dialogue as the Spirit of Instruction
li xiao- hong (research center for scientific education; beijing normal university)
Teacher's Dialectical Thinking and Development
zhu xiao- min1; zhang de- bin2 (1.shanghai normal university; 2.research institute for curriculum and instruction; shanxi normal universit y)
Reflection of Teaching Theory from the Perspective of Life Outlook
cai bao- lai (college of education; northwest normal university)
Exploration into the Curriculum Objective
han he- ming (henan educational scientific research institute)
Ideology, Scientification and Fatalism of Pedagogic Researchers——Three Questions about the Article Methodology of Positive Pedagogy
liu meng (college of education science; nanjing normal university)
Equal Educational Opportunity from the Perspective of Feminism
jing shao- li1; lu hong2 (1.research institute for curriculum and instruction; east china normal unive rsity; 2.shanxi educational scientific research institute)
Education of Man: a Research from the Perspective of Social Philosophy
xue xiao- yang (teachers college; jiangnan university)