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Theory and Practice of Education
2003 Issue 7
Reconsideration of the Art Education in the school
peng sai -hong (no.2middle shool of xiangshan count y; zhejiang province)
Research -based Learning and Educat ional Research Work of Teachers in the Primary and Middle Schools
han ji -zhen (department of education; taiyuan no rmal college)
Interaction:the Growing Point of Research——a Research Report on the Experiment of Research -based Learning Curriculum
xie hong -zi; gao wei -hong (college of education science; south china normal university)
An Inquiry into the Training of Caring Teachers
yang bao -zhong (college of education science; tianj in normal university)
On the Local Educational Legislation in China
chen shao -feng (college of educational management; east china normal university)
Strategic Thoughts on Quickening the Educational Cooperation between the Eastern and the Western Regions of China
han li -fu (college educational management; be ijing normal university)
An Empirical Study of the Expenditure on Education of the Rural Families in China:1985-1999
lei wan -peng 1 ; zhong yu -ping 2 (1.college of education science; cen tral china normal university; 2.college of education; hongkong university of chinese and literature)
Research and Realization of Strategic Curriculum System in the Knowledge Economy
zhang hui -qin; ma jun (north china institute of technology)
A Summary of Researches into the Aggressive Behavior of Children
zhi yin -li 1 ; liu li 2 (1.department of education; shanxi j inzhong normal school for the professional training; 2.college of education science; shanxi university)
WTO:the Real World Stage of the Chinese Education
fu song -tao (college of educational science; heb ei normal university)
On the Deepening of Educational Theory and the Fulfillment of the Two Functions of Education
sun jun -san; xie li -ling (hunan normal university)
Walking towards the Education of Hum an Culture:the Value Trend of Education in China in the New Century
liu ji -liang (college of education science; henan university)
Reconsidering the Concept and the Study Mode of the Modernization of Educational Administration
jiang he -yong zhang xin -ping (college of education science; nanjing normal university)
The Third Learning Pattern and Basic Education Curriculum Reform
li yi -fei (college of education; beijing norma l university)