Optimal Design of Nuts Ridding Dedust Program
Xu Dong-yun;Wang Wei-xin;Gao Wei;Chang Xing;Lu Wei;Zhang Han-jin;Hangzhou Project & Research Institute of Electro-mechanic in Light Industry;Toshiba Co.;Ltd;Zhejiang Institute of Metrology;
Study on the Preparation of Magnetic Cassava Starch Microspheres by Inverse Emulsion Polymerization
Xie Xin-ling;Luo Feng-xiao;Tong Zhang-fa;Liao An-ping;Zhang You-quan;School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of Guangxi University;Guangxi Key Laboratory of Petrochemical Resource Processing and Process Intensification Technology;School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of Guangxi University for Nationalities Key Laboratory of Chemical and Biological Transformation Process of Guangxi Higher Education Institutes Guangxi University for Nationalities;