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Insurance Studies
2014 Issue 4
Research Trends and Perspectives on China’s Agricultural Insurance during 2000~2013—Based on Bibliometric Methods
XU Liangpei;TAO Jianping;College of Economics Management;HUAZHONG Agricultural University;
Financial Market,Government Behaviors and Establishment of the Agricultural Catastrophe Fund—Based on the Analysis of “Structured Fund” Theory
TIAN Ling;LI Jianhua;Department of Insurance and Actuarial Science of Wuhan University;
An Empirical Research on the Impacts of Agricultural Insurance on Production Behaviors of Farmers
ZONG Guofu;ZHOU Wenjie;Groupama Avic Insurance;
Punitive Damages,Mental Damages and the Insurer’s Obligations of Honest Payment
MA Ning;School of Civil and Commercial Law;The Northwest University of Politics and Law;
A Research on the Policyholder and the Corporate Governance—Based on the Analysis of the Life Insurance Company
FANG Guochun;Law School of Southwestern University of Finance and Economics;
Trust on Channels,Impression of Insurance and Willingness to Purchase—A Study Based on Individual Surveys
LIU Mingbo;WANG Yilin;ZHOU Zhigang;School of Insurance;Southwestern University of Finance and Economics;
An Empirical Study on the Relationship between Life Insurance and Consumption in China
SHI Liyuan;SUN Qixiang;Business College of Beijing Union University;School of Economics Peking University;
The International Comparison of the Rigorousness of Nonlife Insurance Solvency Regulation
WU Jie;SU Fang;Shanghai University of Finance and Economics;
A Research on Affecting Factors for Chinese Resident to Participate into the Supplementary Major Medical Insurance—An Empirical Study Based on the Data of Patients in Chengdu
ZANG Wenbin;WANG Jingxi;ZHOU Lei;The School of Public Administration of Southwestern University of Finance and Economics;
A Comparative Study on Social Insurance Contribution Affordability for Different Ownership Enterprises in Various Regions
XU Zhitao;DING Shaoqun;School of Insurance;Southwestern University of Finance and Economics;
An Empirical Research on the Long-term Care Financing System for Disabled Senior Citizens—Based on the Individual Attitude View
CHEN Lu;FAN Hongli;The Department of Risk Management and Insurance of the School of Economics;Nankai University;
The Unified Asset Allocation Framework for the Defined-contribution Pension Fund under the Assumption of Exponential Distribution of Mortality Rate
WANG Liping;ZHANG Yuanping;Tianjin University of Finance and Economics;