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ZTE Communications
2015 Issue 3
Recent Advances in Smart Grid
Kun Yang;Yingfei Dong;School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering;University of Essex;Department of Electrical Engineering of the University of Hawaii at Manoa;
Theory Study and Application of the BP-ANN Method for Power Grid Short-Term Load Forecasting
Xia Hua;Gang Zhang;Jiawei Yang;Zhengyuan Li;Gansu Electric Power Research Institute;State Grid Gansu Electric Power Company;Institute of Water Resources and Hydro-Electric Engineering;Xi’an University of Technology;College of International Communications;China Three Gorges University;
A Solution-Based Analysis of Attack Vectors on Smart Home Systems
Andreas Brauchli;Depeng Li;Department of Information and Computer Sciences;University of Hawaii at Manoa;
Secure Communication Networks in the Advanced Metering Infrastructure of Smart Grid
Feng Ye;Yi Qian;Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering;University of Nebraska-Lincoln;
Reliable Remote Relay Protection in Smart Grid
Jiapeng Zhang;Yingfei Dong;Department of Electrical Engineering University of Hawaii;
Experimental Study on Cloud-Computing-Based Electric Power SCADA System
Yongbo Chen;Jijun Chen;Jiafeng Gan;ZTE Corporation;Dongfang Electronics Co.;Ltd.;
A General SDN-Based IoT Framework with NVF Implementation
Jie Li;Eitan Altman;Corinne Touati;Faculty of Engineering;Information and Systems;University of Tsukuba;National Research Institute in Computer Science and Control;
Crawler for Nodes in the Internet of Things
Xuemeng Li;Yongyi Wang;Fan Shi;Wenchao Jia;Department of Computer Science;Electronic Engineering Institute;
An Improved Wireless Sensor Network Routing Algorithm
Shengmei Luo;Xue Li;Yiai Jin;Zhixin Sun;ZTE Corporation;School of Internet of Things;Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications;
Fast,Exact and Robust Set Operations on Polyhedrons Using Localized Constructive Solid Geometry Trees
Ping Lu;Xudong Jiang;Wei Lu;Ran Wei;Bin Sheng;ZTE Corporation;Autodesk China Research & Development Center;Shanghai Jiao Tong University;