cognition based adaptive control mechanism
zhu jiang; wang jun; li shaoqian (national key laboratory of communication ; university of electronic science and technology of china ; chengdu 610054 ; p . r . china )
spectrum occupancy measurement and analysis
tian fang 1 ; feng zhiyong 1 ; chen xing 2 (1 . beijing university of posts and telecommunications ; beijing 100876 ; p . r . china ; 2 . research institution of china mobile communications corporation ; beijing 100053 ; p . r . china )
cognitive spectrum handover technology
miao dan 1; chen xing 2 (1 . beijing university of posts and communications ; beijing 100876 ; p . r . china ; 2 . research institution of china mobile communications corporation ; beijing 100053 ; p . r . china )
cognitive engine technology
wang lifeng; wei shengqun (institute of chinese electronic equipment system engineering corporation ; beijing 100141 ; p . r . china )