Advances in the Research and Develepment of Mulberry Resources
huang yong~1 zhang lin~2 liu li~1 zhao wei-guo~2 pan yi-le~2 (1.uinversity of science and technology; jiangsu; zhenjiang 212018; china; 2.the seficulture research lnstitue of jiangsu; zhenjiang 212018; china)
Affect of environmental hormone nonylphenol on cultured hemopoietic organs of silkworm,Bombyx mori L.
liu xue-guang~1 yi hong-gen~2 xu shi-qing~1 chen xi-lin~3 dai xuan-ying~1 dai lin~(1; 4) (1 school of life science; soochow university.suzhou jiangsu 215153; china; 2 department of science research; suzhou jiangsu 215006; china; 3 center of forecasting and analysis; suzhou jiangsu 215153; china; 4 hutang experiment high school; changzhou; jiangsu 213161; china)