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Reporting of Standardization
1999 Issue 5
How to Maintain Vitality for Primary Quality Inspection Organization
xu hu-nian (xingjiang hetian district technical supervision bureau)
dui zui xiao shi ti yao qiu de li jie he ying yong
li feng xiu ; chen ya na ; zhao shu zhong
Technical Regulation in Soybean's Planted by Covering Plastic Mulch
wang xing lu; wang he jun (jilin agricultural university)
Analysis and Discussion of Calculating method for Total Ester in White Spirit
huang li; ma lan yu; jia cai hui (qinghai institute of products quality supervision and inspection)
nong ye tou zi hu chi fang an xuan you de fang fa
zhao li hua ; li yong feng
Analysis and Application of National Standard on The Linear Dimensions General Tolerances
mao zhi hong (no.40 research institute ministry of electronics industry)
ri xin yue yi de yi xue xian xiang she bei ji qi jian yan
guo cong peng
Control of Precision of Coal's Quality Test Data
wang wei (ningxia institute of product quality supervision and inspection)
Application of Envelope Requirement and Zero Geometrical Tolerance in Precision Design
kong xiao lin; wang zhong xiang (anhui agricultural university)
Technique and Measure of in Soybean's Planted of Good Quality and High Production
zhao li hua; wang he jun; sun yun nong (jilin agricultural university)
zhi xing gb 4091.1-83 shi ji ge ying zhu yi wen ti de tan tao
li wei hong ; peng jian hua
ji che zhi liang ti xi de jian li yu yun xing
guo wei