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Reporting of Standardization
1999 Issue 4
How to Maintain Quality System after Acquiring Certification
yang lian gen (hubei university of technology)
Discussion on Current Sates and Problems of Eliminating Production without Standards
li zhong he (bureau of technological supervision of gansu province)
yi ban gong cha ( wei zhu gong cha ) ji qi ying yong
yao yun ping ; zhao miao xia
shi lun shi pin wei sheng wu jian yan
wu xia
The Application of Reversible Requirement
li feng xiu; chen ya na (chengde petroleum engineering institute)
Difference of simplified Presentation between Technical Drawings and Mechanical Drawings Standards
huang wan su (hefei university of technology)
Preliminary Analysis on Consultation between Supply and Requisition Parties in Recommendatory Standard
wang ji de (institute of product quality supervision & inspection of ningxia autonomous region)
Judgement of Product Quality and Selection of Their Technological Standards
li wei hong 1; peng jian hua 2 (1.changzhou industrial technology college; 2.changzhou hongmei camera co. ltd.)
Enterprise Standards and Internal Enterprise Standards
liu feng nian; zhao yu huan (bureau of changqing petrolium exploration)
Some Views on Maintaining Quality System Be Effectively in Motion of Enterprises after Certification
he qin (tianshan co. ltd.of woollen mill in xingjiang autonomous region)
Preliminary Talking about the Availability of Standards and Documents
zhang pei feng (institute of scientific and technical information of zhejiang province)
An effective Method of Training the Application Ability of Interchangeability Standards,The Precision Design and Detection of The Course Plan
fu feng lan 1; zhang xin bao 2; liu xiao ying 1 (1. wuhan automotive polytechnic university; 2. huazhong unversity of science and technology)
jiao ke shu zhong de biao zhun wen ti tan tao
niu ai qing
fen ya xiang ji ben wu cha de zi dong jian ding
wang ping jing ; kang yun xia