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Journal of Guangdong Non-Ferrous Metals
2002 Issue S1
Present and prospect for industry of scattered metals
chen shao chun ; zou jia yan
Study progress on the complex of scattered elementssuch as gallium, indium and thallium
song yu lin ; liu xing zhi ; wu rong cheng ; zuo shu liang
Study on enrichment of germaniumin hot acid leaching and zinc-smelting with iron vitriol method
he jing ; lu jun le ; liu zhong qing ; tang zuo tang ; yang sheng hai ; yao wei yi ; chen hui guang
Development of indium fines
wang hong gang ; zuo hong jie
Preparation of In_2O_3
wang hong gang ; zuo hong jie
Improvement of hydrolytic process of high-purity GeCl_4
lu yue wu
Treatment of Ge residue by pyrometallrugy & hydrometallurgy
wang hong jiang ; luo heng
Preparation of high purity tellurium
wang ying ; chen shao chun ; gu zuo
Physicochemical principle for recovering tellurium by copper telluride method
liu xing zhi ; song yu lin ; wu rong cheng ; xiong ying ; lang hong ; zuo shu liang
Trial-production of Tl_2SO_4
wang hong gang ; zuo hong jie