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Journal of Nanjing Architectural and Civil Enginee
2002 Issue 4
Application of Hybrid Programming with C++ and Matcom in Numeric Computing Program
qi ke jun; zai jin min; mei guo xiong (college of civil engineering; nanjing university of technology; nanjing 210009; china)
The Data Processing of Accurate Crossing the River Elevation Transmission for the Su-Tong Yangtze River Highway Bridge
jiang hui 1; chen zhen jie 2 (1.college of civil engineering; nanjing university of technology; nanjing 210009; china; 2.hehai university; nanjing 210098; china)
The RC Frame-aseismic Wall Structure with Special-shaped Columns-A High Priority Structure System Recommended
wang zi jun 1; liu wei qing 1; jiang yong sheng 2 (1.college of civil engineering; nanjing university of technology; nanjing 210009; china; 2. southeast university; nanjing 210096; china)
Analysis of Interaction of Piled Raft Foundations by the Substructural Method
wang xu dong; zai jin min; mei guo xiong (college of civil engineering; nanjing university of technology; nanjing 210009; china)
Analysis of Residual Soil Stress-Strain Behavior and Its Effect on Slope Stability
jiang gang 1; lin lu sheng 2; liu zu de 3 (1.college of civil engineering; nanjing university of technology; nanjing 210009; china; 2.institute of rock and soil mechanics; chinese academy of sciences; wuhan 430071; china; 3 college of civil engineering and architecture; wuhan university; wuhan 430072; china.)
Discussion on Decision-making Model for Construction Project Bid
chen jian sen (jinling petrochemical engineering supervision company; nanjing 210037; china)
State of Arts of CAT Techniques in China and Abroad
zheng feng qin (college of mechanical and power engineering; nanjing university of technology; nanjing 210009; china)
Computerized Monitoring the Process of Horizontal Shift of Building in Entirety
zhang wen shu (college of automation; nanjing university of technology; nanjing 210009; china)
Experimental Research and Analysis on Disposal Methods of Post-construction Settlement of Some Highway Soft Foundation
he zheng wen 1; feng gan qing 1; hong bao ning 2 (1 guangdong traffic industry investment company; guangzhou 510101; china; 2 geotechnical institute of hehai university; nanjing 210098 china)
Application of the Weighted Residuals Method to the Four-side-free Rectangle Plate on Winkler's Foundation
yu chuang; qi ke jun (college of civil engineering; nanjing university of technology; nanjing 210009; china)
General Analysis on the Condition of Ooze Foundation and the Sampling of the Foundation Engineering in Lixiahe Region,Jiangyan City
yan jin rong (jiangyan architecture design and planning institute; jiangyan 225500; china)
A Research on Cause and Explanation of Price-Paradox Phenomenon in RealEstate Auction
nie qi bo 1jiang tao 2 (1 college of management science and engineering; nanjing university of technology; nanjing 210009; china; 2 university journal editorial department; nanjing university of technology; nanjing 210009; china)
Analysis on the Electromagnetism Compatibility in the Flyback Transformer
xu mei hua (college of sciences; nanjing university of technology; nanjing 210009; china)
Analysis and Prevention from Faults on Soft Foundation of Highway Caused by Special Negative Geologic Conditions
feng gan qing 1; he zheng wen 1; hong bao ning 2 (1 guangdong traffic industry investment company; guangzhou 510101; china; 2 geotechnical institute of hehai university; nanjing 210098; china)
The Construction of the Paperless Test System for Testing the Computer Application Ability
tong xin (jiangsu broadcasting and television university; nanjing 210013; china)
The Application of New Technologies in the Construction of Underground Engineering(Ⅱ)
han xuan jiang (college of civil engineering; nanjing university of technology; nanjing 210009; china)