The Analysis and Solution of the Cracking in the Concrete Beam of Some Roofs
gu jian ping 1; ren guo hua 2; liu jian hua 3 ( of civil engineering; nanjing university of technology; nanjing 210009; china; 2.architectural design and research institute; nanjing university of technology; nanjing 210009; china; 3.nanjin
A Study on the Ejector Used for the Steam of a Waste Heat Boiler
li wei 1; yin shu ping 1; zhao ya xin 2 (college of urban construction engineering; nanjing university of technology; nanjing; 210009; china; 2.anqing petro chemical corp.; anqing; 246001; china)
Research on Thermal Characteristics of New Type Energy Saving Building Blocks
chen li ping 1; he jia peng 1; ye yan hua 2; sun wei min 2 ( of urban construction engineering; nanjing university of technology; nanjing 210009; china; of civil engineering; nanjing university of technology; nanjing 210009; ch
Preparation of CdTe Film with Close-Space Sublimation
chen ai ping 1; shen cai kang 1; wu li li 2; zhang jing quan 2 ( of science; nanjing university of technology; nanjing; 210009; china; 2.sichuan university; chengdu 610064; china)